Chapter Forty One

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She never thought the day would come when she would be excited for a formal party - not because of any boy this time around, but because of genuine anticipation. 

It was finally the day of the engagement party. She was at her mansion's glam room, Rina expertly styling her blonde locks while her mother frantically directs the stylists to steam iron her dress to perfection. 

Her heart was pounding loud against her chest, unable to focus on anything else but its erratic sound. She wonders if she was merely overreacting or if this was totally normal for a young lady, hours away from officially being engaged to the love of her life. 

The party doesn't start until four more hours later but she desperately wishes it would, going slightly insane from the thought of starting this new phase in her life. 

Not that it would make any difference though. Akashi and her were in the best possible place in their relationship, but something about officiating their life-long commitment in the near future was making her feel like a coy school girl again. 

After hours of being dolled-up and briefed about the event, she was finally instructed to leave for the venue. As she walked through her main door, she expected to see Gorou-san, her driver waiting at the driveway, but instead, she was met with Akashi's driver Yoshino-san, his hair neatly styled and his arms behind his back. 

She gulped as her gaze flew to the tinted windows of the jet-black limousine, hoping to confirm her assumption. 

Why she was still nervous to see her own boyfriend even after knowing him for years and dating him for months was beyond her. 

Yoshino-san bowed to her slightly and swiftly unhinged the car door, revealing deep crimson eyes already looking at her. 

His gaze lingered on her for a few seconds, taking in her ruffly beige dress and her blonde hair neatly styled in a braided up-do. He was caught off-guard to say the least, and he hoped she didn't notice the way his eyes must've sparkled in admiration towards his girl. 

Sayuri smiled and sat down opposite him on the seat directly behind the driver. But before she could settle down, he stood up and gestured for her to exchange seats with him. 

She was about to protest when he beat her to it, "You get dizzy sitting there right?" he asked rhetorically. 

She stared at him in awe, internally gushing at how he remembered her menial preferences. Simple gestures like these really made her feel like the most special women in the world and she hoped she could tell him that. 

She muttered a soft 'thank you' and finally sat back down, her eyes unable to look away from the dazzling emperor before her. 

Akashi was dressed in an all-black suit, crisp and ironed to perfection. His scarlet hair, which was usually unstyled, was neatly gelled back, only allowing a few loose strands to fall onto the smooth skin of his forehead. 

She must have ogled at him for a second too long because she caught a small smirk appear on his lips, causing her to look away immediately and blush from being caught in the act. 

"Y-You look nice today," she stuttered, her eyes wavering.

She heard him sigh and crossed his arms over his chest, "Damn it, you beat me to it," he said.

"What?" she blurted, confused with his question.

"Nothing. Guess I was too mesmerized to compliment you first," he stated with a straight face. He flickered his eyes to her and smiled, "Thank you. And you look absolutely stunning yourself, Sayuri."

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