Chapter Fourteen

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Her legs were killing her. She'd been walking for hours, not heading to a particular direction. Her eyes were blood-shot and she didn't even know if she had any more tears left to cry.

Heading back home wasn't an option. Not right now in the middle of school hours, and calling up Rina-chan was also not a good option either.

It was only now that she realized she wish she had more friends to rely on other than Akashi.

He was always the first person she ran to with her problems, so what now when the root of her problem was him?

She was aimlessly walking when she heard her stomach grumble.

The smell of freshly made burger patties filled her nose and she immediately walked towards the direction of the one-story building painted in red. The words 'Maji Burger' flickering in neon lights.

She didn't think twice before entering the restaurant.

She remembered the days when the Teiko basketball team frequented the place, heading to the burger joint religiously after every practice. It was a place filled with pleasant nostalgia.

She went up to the counter and gave the waiter a polite smile.

She quickly ordered a beef burger and strawberry milkshake before finding a single seat that faced the window.

She was about to take bite of her juicy burger when she heard someone clear their throat from the left. She was taken aback to see a familiar blue-haired boy with matching blue orbs, a half-full vanilla milkshake placed on his tray.

It took her some time process who it was, but when she did, she let out a gasp of excitement.

"Tetsu-kun?! What are you doing in Kyoto?" she questioned while staring at the boy in surprised.

"Uhhh, I have plans to meet someone here," he explained as he took a sip of his milkshake. "What about you? Why aren't you in class?" he continued.

"Long story. I'll tell you some other time." she said, finally taking a bite of her burger.

He observed her curiously, narrowing his eyes.

"Have you been crying?" he asked.

As soon as he said that, she immediately rubbed her eyes and forced put on a forced smile.

"H-Huh? What are you talking about? Why would I be crying?" she said, hoping that she sounded convincing enough.

He raised an eyebrow and shot her a look as if saying 'come on, stop it with the lame excuses.'

She hesitated, but thought: Ah, to hell with it, if there's anyone I can trust with this, it's Tetsuya-kun.

"It's really a long story..." she muttered quietly as she looked down at her in half-eaten burger.

"I have time to kill," he shot her a reassuring smile, the softness of his voice made it difficult for her to turn him down.

Back in Teiko, Kuroko and her were quite close and he used to be the person she'd go to whenever Akashi and her squabbled over something silly.

Kuroko was a great listener, and anyone would agree with that.

She look a deep breath and told him everything.

It was hard to hold back her tears while she recalled the story, but she tried to stay strong for as long as she could.

Kuroko remained silent the whole time, not cutting her off once while she was explaining. He only nodded and hummed with each point she said.

Those Heterochromatic Eyes (Kuroko no Basket - Akashi Seijuro Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now