Chapter Thirty Nine

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"Found you, Sayu-chan."

The voice that called out instantly alerted her, and she whipped her head backwards to come face to face with the one person she tried so hard to avoid all week.

She subconsciously took one step backwards, the memory of their interaction pulsing at the back of her mind.

Don't be scared. Don't be scared. Don't be scared.

The heavy splattering of the rain echoed in her ears as she stared at Kaito, wide-eyed. He had a visible smirk spread across his face, seemingly proud that he was making her react to him that way.

"You know you're pretty pathetic for still staying with Akashi Seijuro even after hearing what he did to me," he started. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned onto the wall adjacent to the gym door.

"But then again, I'm not that surprised," he chuckled, as he fixated his gaze on her, his playful smirk not good enough to conceal his hostility, "considering how messed up you are too," he finished.

She could feel her anger rise gradually, clenching her fist at his words. "What do you want, Nakamura?" she questioned.

"Oh, nothing really. I'm just surprised you're still sticking around that monster." His voice leaked with venom and it frightened Sayuri. After experiencing first-hand what he was capable of doing, who's to say that he wouldn't do the same thing right now.

But the way he bad mouthed Akashi without even knowing the full story infuriated her, and she's willing to push aside her fear just to prove to Kaito that he was wrong about the redhead.

"Who are you to condemn him for what he did years ago?" she spilled. "Why don't you focus on bettering yourself first before blaming others for your shitty attitude?"

She regretted spilling those words the moment she noticed the shift in his aura. Suddenly, he advanced closer and grabbed her wrist forcefully.

She was scared.

Afraid of him, and afraid of what he could potentially do to Akashi. Experiencing two consecutive assaults in a span of a few months was not something she was proud of. Sure, she wasn't exactly conscious during the time of Haizaki's assault, but hearing the aftermath frightened her in ways she couldn't explain.

She closed her eyes shut as she felt the deadly grip on her wrist tighten. She was about to pull back from the boy's hold when a voice caught her off guard.

"Nakamura Kaito, get your filthy hands off my girl."

Akashi's voice was eerily calm, so unsettling to the point that even she was taken aback by his indifferent tone. He wasn't one to lose his cool; at least not as bad as he did during the Haizaki incident, but something told her that seeing Kaito like this will push him to that state a lot quicker.

The redhead grabbed both hers and Kaito's hand, forcing the taller boy to loosen his grip.

Kaito was angry, and it wouldn't take a genius to notice that.

Without warning, he grabbed Akashi by his collar and pulled him upwards. He glowered at him with malicious intent and curled his hand into a fist, seconds away from landing a punch on the redhead.

"That's enough Nakamura."

She sighed a breath of relief when she saw Kise walk out of the gymnasium, his face displaying an expression that she hadn't seen on him before.

His words successfully stopped Kaito's punch but he was still seething in anger.

"Two witnesses is enough to have you kicked out again. Or who knows, you could even end up in jail," the blond reminded, causing Kaito to push Akashi away harshly.

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