Chapter Six

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A few minutes have passed when they finally arrived at the venue. As expected, the place was gradually filling in with people, all dazzling and dressed for the special occasion. The venue looked magical, with white fairy lights decorating the facade and freshly picked flowers welcoming every guest at the foyer.

There were expensive looking vehicles parked at the front of the hotel; from Limousines and Rolls Royces to Mercedes Benz and Lamborghinis.

Sayuri and her parents stepped out of the limousine and made their way through the purple carpet, being greeted by posh men and women in their posh attires.

The interior of the place looked just as stunning as the exterior, with high ceilings and glass
chandeliers hanging above their heads.

The cloth-covered tables were arranged in a uniform pattern ranging from different sizes and towards the left was the buffet stand garnished with different kinds of cuisines from around the world; Japanese, Korean, Mediterranean, Italian, and many more.

The people looked at the family and approached them one by one, greeting and congratulating
them with their 'utmost gratitude.'

It didn't take long before Sayuri spotted the Akashi's, sitting on an extra fancy table near the main stage.

She decided to head there and greet them.

"Good evening Akashi-san, Shiori-san" she said, bowing her head slightly at them.

Seijuro's father nodded in acknowledgement and smiled at her.

"Ah Sayuri-chan, good evening to you too," Seijuro's mom replied as she gave her a warm smile.

She smiled back and directed her gaze to the frowning redhead who seemed to notice her but chose to remain silent.

Sayuri decided to break the awkward silence and smiled widely at him.

"Sei-ju-ro~" she sang in his ears causing him to flinch. 

He greeted her with a cold stare. She smiled at him forcefully as if reminding him about their conversation the other day. She hoped to dear god he remembers her plead.

And with that, she left their table and decided to look for a certain green-haired bishie.

After a great chunk of her time was wasted catering to her mother's wishes and getting introduced to all her acquaintances, Sayuri finally found a reason to excuse herself to the washroom.

She freshened up, retouched her lipstick, and took a deep breath before heading out.

As she walked back towards the main hall, she glanced around, doing a quick scan of the place in hopes of spotting a certain green-haired boy. She turned around quickly and felt her shoulder collide with someone. She almost cursed under her breath and rubbed the area of impact.

"Sorry!" she replied, apologetically glancing up to identify the tall figure.

Woah, woah, woah. Hol' up, is this some kind of fanfic?! She thought.

She felt blood rush to her cheeks, and she had to mentally tell herself to inhale the breathe she didn't realize she held back.

A pair of dark green eyes gleamed behind rectangular framed glasses. She noticed the way he pushed his glasses back up his nose bridge and immediately came back to reality. Or in this case, back to paradise.

The green-haired boy stared at her with dull eyes.


The way he uttered her name made her feels ways. As cliche as it may sound, it was music to her ears.

She snapped back to reality and forced a casual smile on her face.

"S-Shintarou-kun!" she said cheerfully, trying to hide the nervousness lacing her voice. Though of course, she couldn't stop herself from stuttering shamelessly after all.

"It's been a while," he replied, giving her a hardly noticeable smile.

But even so, that smile meant so much to her. It felt like the refreshing first sip of cola on a hot summer day.

"I suppose you're here with Akashi?" he asked eyeing her carefully.

Great, Akashi again?

"Umm yeah, he's here," she answered, hoping that he wouldn't leave to find the red-head.

He nodded. "Come with me," he said, turning his head away from her as he walked in a slow pace.

Sayuri stood there in surprise.

Is she finally gonna be alone with him?

She watched him walk pridefully, each step reminding her why she fell for him in the first place.

His tall figure. His broad shoulders. His luscious locks of hair.

He wasn't flawless but all of his flaws were unidentifiable to Sayuri. Maybe love is blind after all.

She snapped back to reality and skipped to catch up to him, smiling brightly as she glanced at the boy's side profile.

This is gonna be one heck of a night.

Those Heterochromatic Eyes (Kuroko no Basket - Akashi Seijuro Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now