Chapter Sixteen

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The mid-term exams eventually came to an end.

As the new vice-president, Sayuri struggled to keep up with the added responsibilities, but after a bunch of all-nighters and a lots of coffee, she managed to secure her top 2 spot.

As predicted, Akashi was still at the top, the rest of the students only barely reaching his feet. Yet, throughout the past week, she never saw him stress out over the syllabus once.

God really does have favorites, she thought.

More importantly, the end of exams meant one thing for Rakuzan; the school festival. The time of the year everyone was waiting for. It was as if the festival took out the fire that the mid-terms started, and everyone was here for it.

Of course, as much she wanted to celebrate alongside the rest, the school festival was meant chaos for the student council members.

When Sayuri dropped by the council room during recess, she wasn't surprised to see the members in a state of obvious distress.

After receiving each class' suggested event, it was evident that the members dreaded the pressure that would seem befall them. Logistics, accounts, manual labor, they might as well get paid for this.

Truthfully, if it wasn't for Akashi's unyielding authority, the student would be in so much trouble. He rejected suggestions without batting an eye and the class representatives wouldn't dare question his decisions. He made things quite bearable, indeed.

Regardless of that, the workload didn't completely lessen. In fact, it got a point where the members found it hard to work on campus because students would practically barge into the room one by one, asking to get their ideas approved.

It only took one more day of pure chaos for Fudo-kun, the student body secretary, to deem the school environment as too distracting, and begged Akashi to let them do finish some work at his place.

Akashi hesitantly agreed to the idea, thinking it might be best to get as much work done as possible.

* * *

She looked at herself in the mirror one last time before scurrying down the stairs, out her front gate, and towards Akashi's house next door.

She rang the doorbell and within seconds, the door carefully swung open to reveal an old lady in her mid 50's, smiling sweetly at her.

"Ayaka-san!" she shouted, cheerily as she gave her a big hug.

"Ah, Sayuri-chan. It's nice to see you. Why haven't you visited sooner?" the lady asked, as she gestured for her to come in.

"Gomenasai, things have been super busy at school," she explained scratching the back of her head.

As far as she could remember, Ayaka-san has always worked for the Akashi family. She took care of Akashi from the moment he was born and naturally looked after Sayuri as well. She made the most delectable baked goods and Sayuri remembered the days when they'd bake cupcakes together while Akashi took basketball lessons outside.

She respected her deeply and knew that Akashi felt the same way too.

"He's in his room," Ayaka-san informed, taking her coat from her and placing in neatly on the rack.

She thanked the lady and ran up the stairs, making her way down the familiar hallways of the mansion.

The Akashi residence, much like her own, was nothing less than magnificent.

In contrast with her house's white and neutral interior, the Akashi mansion was decorated with blues, blacks, and grey. The rather artistic choice of interior - vintage clocks and asymmetric sofas, were a complete opposite of her mansion's modern and contemporary pieces.

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