Chapter Twenty Five

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Everyone was talking about it.

In the bathrooms, the cafeteria, the hallways, and even during class. It was a nation-wide event that kept everyone on their toes and it was none other than the biggest basketball tournament of the year; The Winter Cup.

The students of Rakuzan High have been exceptionally hyped over the event, being that the Rakuzan basketball team upheld their title as defending champions of the Winter Cup for the last five years.

The Rakuzan team had a huge advantage considering that they have three notably talented players from the Uncrowned Kings . And to add to that, they also have a member of the Generation of Miracles playing for them. In fact, they had the captain of the strongest middle school basketball team.

Oh hell, even Sayuri was excited about this.

Although her knowledge of the sport wasn't too wide, she's been around basketball players for almost half of her life. This meant that she naturally picked up on how the game plays work and she could easily distinguish good players from those who are not.

Plus, she loved watching Akashi play basketball. Sure, he tends to be incredibly intimidating on court, but something about his passion as a caption resonated within her and it never fails to inspire her to cultivate her own passions.

As the Winter Cup preliminaries dawned upon them, Akashi was increasingly busy with practice.

She no longer waited for him to go home, knowing that he'd be staying back late to train as hard as he could. But since he was exempted from student council work for a while, that meant Sayuri had to stay beyond classes too to cover up for him.

She didn't mind. In fact, she's glad she could at least help him in some way behind the scenes. He was looking increasingly stressed and when she asked why, his answer would be that he simple "wanted to beat Seirin."

As the ex-captain of the Teiko team, Akashi knew each of his member's weaknesses and potentials quite well and that meant he also knew better than to underestimate them. Especially Kuroko, the phantom-sixth man whom he helped discover his abilities.

"Sayu-chan? You're not going home yet?" Rina asked curiously, snapping her out of her thoughts. She clumsily stuffed her books inside her locker, earning her a disapproving sigh from Sayuri.

"Ah, no, not yet. Just need to do a bit more work at the council room," she explained, giving the girl an assuring grin. She grabbed the books from the girl's locker and re-organized them neatly.

"Mou, you better not be overworking yourself or else I'll tell Akashi-kun," she warned, shooting her a worried expression.

"Baka, what is he? My babysitter?" she groaned as she lightly tapped her friend's forehead.

"Yup, he is, minus the 'sitter'," she cooed, wiggling her eyebrows in a teasing manner.

Sayuri blushed when she realized what the girl meant and nudged her in embarrassment, "He is not!" she spilled. That didn't stop the brunette from shooting her implied looks, leaving Sayuri flustered even after she left the campus.

Luckily, she didn't have too much paperwork to complete at the council room. It must have been the product of staying late to match Akashi's practice schedule for the past week.

It didn't take longer than an hour to finally finish Akashi's tasks for the week, and she careful organized the files on his desk before heading out.

As she left the main building, the light emitted from the gymnasium caught her attention and before she could even realize, the sound of dribbling and sneakers squeaking on polished floors drew her in.

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