Chapter Thirty Four

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She sighed heavily as she stared at her rosewood Shogi board. She has been absentmindedly moving the pieces around for the past 20 minutes and she was starting to question why in the world Akashi liked playing the game by himself.

She finally gave up and shoved the board further away from her side of the table, allowing her to rest her head on the empty space.

Boring weekends were the worst. Rina was out for a part time job in a modeling studio and her parents were busy with the engagement party matters.

She would have gone and barged into Akashi's house but ever since recently taking up extra business management classes, she didn't want to break his productive momentum.

Speaking of Akashi, ever since their confrontation, he stopped ignoring her calls and her texts. He made sure to free some time during recess as well to sit with her at the rooftop and he would stop by at the council room from time to time top check up on her.

Though for some reason, he still wasn't keen on the idea of her waiting for him to finish basketball practice everyday. When she asked why he was so insistent, he simply explained that her presence was stopping him from being stern on the members, and well, she thought it made sense.

That was until she came across Kotaro and Nebuya in the school hallways one afternoon, very much in their school uniform when they were suppose to be "at practice" as Akashi had mentioned.

Even though that incident threw her off, she tried her best to stop herself from overthinking. She didn't come at Akashi for lying to her that day, and she hoped that she didn't make a wrong decision.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the loud whistling of the wind resounded through her French windows.

It was getting chillier in Japan; the dried leaves were mostly settled on the ground and her house helpers officially incorporated her winter coats into her daily wardrobe.

Winter was her favourite season of the year; putting aside the huge snow storms and frozen fingers of course. But something about the festive city lights and the fact that you could see your own breath put her in a pleasant mood.

She sighed as she slumped face-forward onto her bed. She stared at her phone, her last message to Akashi still left unread.

"Did you eat yet?" it read.

She groaned inwardly, driven by boredom that she hasn't felt in a while. Her eyes darted outside the window, FOMO settling in as she stared at the young winter air swaying the trees gently.

Suddenly, she felt the urge to just go out by herself, and before she knew it, her feet took her outside her room and out the main door.

Maybe grabbing a few snacks from the convenient store wasn't such a bad idea. After all, her nutritionist-moderated refrigerator would never house any 'unhealthy' snacks and she was getting tired on snacking on edamame beans all day.

Just as she expected, the winter air was at its most pleasant. Yes, it was windy, but her bubble coat did a great job at blocking the crispness of the air.

Once her body started to adjust to the weather, she started to skip down the pavement, heading towards the nearest convenience store in her neighborhood.

The sound of bells rang once she pushed the door open. She sighed in relief as she felt the store heater warm up her un-gloved hands.

She skipped happily along the aisle of junk food, eager to spot her favourite potato chips when a muffled sound caught her attention.

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