Chapter Twenty Nine

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The walk to her classroom was extremely uncomfortable.

Every student gathered in the hallways would observe her curiously, as if she was a wild beast out of its cage. The only explanation she had for it was that they all heard about the accident that happened during the Winter Cup.

When Haizaki Shogo didn't show up for their match with Kaijo, the audience were shaken. Not because they wanted to see the basketball villain, but because they were eager to have Kise Ryouta beat him.

Naturally, Kaijo won the match by more than ten points, and when Kise heard about what happened to Sayuri, he got even more riled up about not being able to face Shogo.

Once she entered class, everyone turned their eyes on her. Rina who sat on her chair nervously, quickly came rushing to her and held her arm tightly.

Similarly, Akashi, who sat on the far end of the class suddenly stood up. And much to everyone's surprise, he rushed to the blonde and placed a hand on her forehead.

"Hey, what are you-"

"Good, you don't have a fever anymore," he sighed. Rina and the rest of the class stared at them in shock, Akashi's unexpected actions catching them by surprise.

She blushed a light pink and nudged the boy away from her.

"S-Stop. They'll start talking," she warned, her head hung low in a poor attempt to keep herself together.

Without replying to her, Akashi turned around to the rest of the class.

"Minna," he started, "I'm sure you all heard about rumors floating around about our engagement."

Her eyes widened.

What is he doing?!

"And to address that, yes. It's true. We'll be engaged soon," he finished.

Sayuri could see Rina hold back a giggle as the red-haired boy practically declared his love for her in front of the whole class.

Ah, I definitely need to knock some sense into this guy later.

* * *

She sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that day. She couldn't believe Akashi did what he did without telling her first.

Though surprisingly, the students' reaction were much more normal than she expected. Some congratulated them while some looked like they couldn't care less.

Even Akashi's fan girls were laying low. They still glared at her as she walked down the hallway but there was definitely no hair-pulling involved. Either way she was thankfully.

Since the Winter Cup's finals were drawing near, Akashi stayed back for basketball practice that day, asking Rina a favor to get the girl back home safe and sound.

Rina could only giggle, teasing Sayuri that she scored a rather overprotective fiancé.

"Sayu-chan, why don't we get something to eat before going home? My treat!" Rina chirped as she playfully winks at her.

She smiled at the girl, "Sure, why not?"

"Don't worry, I'll get you home safe and sound," she said, mocking Akashi.

Sayuri blushed and looked away from her friend. "S-Shut up, Rina-chan. That's not funny."

The brunette laughed and continued to wiggle her eyebrows at her.

For some reason, her sudden craving for vanilla milkshake lead them to the unmatched burger joint of Tokyo; Maji Burger.

Sarcasm aside, she honestly didn't mind the choice (even though she's literally only been at Maji's for the last few weeks).

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