Chapter Thirty Three

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Something was wrong with Akashi. Something really wrong.

That day, after practically ignoring her at the cafeteria, she decided to stay back for his basketball practice after school. She wanted to convince herself that his coldness was merely an aftereffect of his rigorous training and extra business management classes. She wanted to believe that, but maybe she was just too afraid to face the truth.

After heading home in silence with him that night,  it became clear to her that there was definitely something he wasn't telling her.

"Maybe he just wants to focus on the Winter Cup? I mean, they are gonna go against Seirin after all," Rina assured, as she scooped a small piece of the strawberry shortcake with her fork.

After confiding with her best friend, the brunette immediately thought it was a good idea to bring the girl to their favourite café. If there was something that could cheer Sayuri up, it was definitely coffee and desserts.

"I really don't know..." she sighed, taking a bite of the freshly-made banana crêpe, the aroma instantly lifting her mood.

"Okay, but what about that Nakamura dude? What's up with him?" Rina inquired.

"He's... weird. I mean, don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy, but... he's giving me bad vibes," she trailed on. "It's like, ever since he came along, Seijuro's suddenly so distant."

Talking to Rina felt like free therapy. Despite the brunette's overly-bubbly personality, she was actually a really good listener too. Her advice always made sense and laying down her feeling in front of her really helped Sayuri consider the bigger picture.

A good hour passed by before the two decided to take their leave, the dessert settling in their bellies, making them yearn for a quick afternoon nap.

"Crap, when was the last time I got a food coma," Rina asked rhetorically as they walk across the street on the green pedestrian light.

The golden hour dawned upon them, casting a pleasant luminescence around them. The softness of the afternoon rays heightened her laziness and she considered to hail a taxi back home when Rina suddenly grabbed her to the side.

"Quick, pose! This lighting is perfect for a picture!" she gushed, as she quickly grabbed her smartphone and flipped it horizontally. Sayuri was hesitant to comply but knowing her best friend, she wouldn't leave without snapping a good-enough picture of the blonde for her fashion blog.

She sighed and reluctantly walked in front of the girl with heavy steps. Rina pulled her into a small park just across the street and asked her to stand adjacent to a light post.

"Okay, 1, 2, 3, and..."

Rina stared at her phone, observing the picture she took when her eyes suddenly grew wide. She looked down and up across Sayuri multiple times, trying to decipher something.

"What? Am I that bad at being a model or something?" she grumbled as she took a peek of the picture on her best friend's screen.

"Isn't that Akashi-kun? And,"

Sayuri followed the brunette's line of sight. She squinted her eyes at the distance and realized what Rina was referring to.

"Since when did they get so close?" the girl asked.

There was no mistake. Across the park, just a few metres away from them stood Akashi and Kaito, looking like they were engaged in a serious conversation.

Akashi is never the type to meet acquaintances out of the blue. He barely hangs out with his best buds, what more with someone who he just met a few days ago.

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