Chapter Nineteen

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The journey back home was difficult. She couldn't brush off what Midorima said and Akashi knew something was wrong.

He didn't ask. Of course, he didn't. How could he when she looked like she could burst into fits of tears any second?

Sayuri felt rage, confusion, and humiliation. Humiliation from how Midorima practically made her look like a fool.

If he knew about her feelings all along, then why did he still choose to turn a blind eye at it? Was it his ego?

She wanted to demand an explanation, after all, she deserved some sort of closure. But right now, the thought of Midorima made her blood boil.

"...go to him where you belong."

She clenched her fist in fury. She doesn't belong to anyone. Not him, not her parents, and certainly not Akashi.

It seemed like the whole world wanted to control her and it's only a matter of time before she reaches her tipping point.

When they arrived outside of her house, Sayuri couldn't even look Akashi in the eye. She left the car in silence, only muttering a soft 'see you' before walking to her gate with heavy steps.

* * *

The next day, Rukazan was bustling with spirited students. Sayuri had a massive headache and the noise was more difficult to handle.

She has PE next class and decided to take her time walking to the girls' locker room to change.

After she was done, she went to her locker to grab a water tumbler, when loud murmurs erupted from her right side.

"Pft, no way she's engaged to Akashi-kun."

"Yeah, what kind of bluff is that? Does attention-seeking run in her blood or what?"

"Remind me again, other than her money, what does she have to over?"

A chorus of laughter broke out, causing Sayuri to let out an exasperated sigh.

Keep it in, Sayuri. Keep it in.

She couldn't believe her worst fears came true. How didn't she piece it together? Of course, if Midorima knew about it, then the school was bound to know it too.

More than anything else, she worried that the news would make things more difficult for Akashi. After all, the Winter Cup was right around the corner, and rumours of his engagement could become leverage for other teams.

She was about the confront the girls when a cheery voice cut her off.

"Sayu-chan~" a short girl sporting two pigtails came running to her. She sighed, relieved that Rina saved her from doing something she'd regret.

She watched as the three girls walked away, and she glared at them with subsiding anger.

Rina noticed her apprehension, "Uh, did something happen? Do I need to beat up some people?" she inquired, showing her fist proudly to her.

Sayuri chuckled and shook her head. "Nope. Come on, let's go,"

When they arrived at the football field, more than half of the class was already there. She habitually searched the place for the three girls but to no avail, found no one.

Rina's and her were talking about this new otome game when their gym teacher arrives, along with Akashi.

Despite his undying love for basketball, he chose football as one of his gym activities, explaining that he wanted to try out another sport to see if he could excel in it too. He referred to it as a 'personal assessment'.

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