Chapter Eleven

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The following day, Sayuri was met with a pretty hectic day at school.

Rakuzan High had just announced a huge change in the mid-term schedule, shocking students with their decision to move the examinations a month earlier. No justification was given, only that it was a 'nation-wide requirement' from the Ministry of Education.

Panic filled the air with not-so-subtle complaints and frustrated grunts resonating from the hallways.

Everyone looked to be in a state of distraught. Everyone except Akashi.

From what Sayuri could see, he didn't seem the least bit bothered by the announcement.

Very, very typical.

She was smart, sure. But the idea of studying didn't exactly excite her by any means. And plus, magically earning good grades didn't come as natural to her than it does for Akashi.

She worked hard for her grades and that was a fact.

With some form of procrastinating from time to time, of course.

Nonetheless, the only thing that actually motivates her to study was her goal to 'surpass' Akashi, which in her opinion, doesn't seem impossible despite his almost-unrealistic head knowledge.

Since they were young, Akashi and studying went hand-in-hand. Sayuri's happy-go-lucky attitude towards education meant that unlike him, she didn't mind ditching classes, playing Shogi, and well, living life. Akashi, on the other hand had never skipped a single tutoring class, rain or fall.

Because of his lack of time to play with her, Sayuri made her resolve that if she couldn't surpass Akashi in studies, she'd make sure that that wouldn't be the case for Shogi.

Like a madwoman, she would practice by herself day by day, playing with the computer and even going as far as using her parent's connection to hook her up with a Shogi master.

Until of course, one fine day, she managed to beat him.

Looking back at it now, it wasn't such a huge accomplishment after all, but in hindsight, at least it got Midorima to acknowledge her.

As she made her way towards her locker, she caught a short glimpse of redhead at the corner of her eye. She turned her attention to the right and noticed Akashi walking towards her. Or rather, brisk walking towards her.

Behind him were several fan girls secretly following his tracks, but knowing Akashi, he probably already noticed them by now thanks to his inhumane observational skills.

"Oi, Seijuro. What's up?" she inquired, staring at the frowning boy who now halted in front of her.

Instead of replying, he sternly grabbed her wrist and dragged her through the busy corridor.

It wasn't so much of the feeling of awe than it was of confusion as she tried to piece things together. She could only let out a sigh when she realized why.

A bunch of fan girls were now whispering not-so-quietly about the situation that unfolded.

"No way, he's holding her hand..."

"She's always around him, how is that fair?"

"I heard they're childhood friends. Lucky piece of sh-"


"What?!" she said, more strongly than she intended it to be.

Not going to lie, she was a little annoyed at what he did. Akashi always had his 'fanbase' lingering around, and he knew that. So, she never understood why she had to be his scape-goat every single time.

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