Chapter Ten

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Seirin's victory came as a shock, albeit a pleasant one, there was no denying that the people in the stadium expected a different outcome. 

That being said, it wasn't like she hoped for them to lose, but she had known Midorima for a while now, and she knew that he definitely puts out a good game. Whatever Kagami had done was proof that even a member of the Generation of Miracles was not unstoppable. 

She wasn't going to lie, she was starting to feel slightly concerned about him, after all, loses are never an easy pill to swallow so with much hesitation, she decided to head to the back of the gymnasium where the locker rooms were situated.

She stood in front of a door with the sign that read Shutoku High written on the side wall.

She took a deep breath and placed her hand at the door knob, but just as she was about to push it down, the door swing backwards, causing her to almost fall into the room.

"Gomenasai!" she apologized, frantically bowing her head slightly to the figure in front of her.

She looked up at the person and her eyes widened in shock.

What is it with me and falling onto AND for this guy?!

"M-Midorima-kun..." she muttered, starting at the boy's green orbs. "Sorry! I didn't see you. I just wanted to see if you were doing alright. You know, about the game and all..." she trailed off while fidgeting with her fingers nervously.

There was a brief silence until he spoke in a low tone, "Ah, no, it's alright. You didn't have to check up on me. I'm fine," he answered, brushing his shoulders slightly against the petite blonde as he made his way towards the vending machine nearby.

She followed him hurriedly and tapped his right shoulder.

"Uh, can I ask a question?" she asked, her hands intertwined behind her back as she tip-toed up and down in hesitation.

"What is it?" he questioned as he pulled out a Pocari Sweat drink from the mouth of the machine.

"Well uh, I just noticed that you didn't bring your lucky item today. Just got curious, that's all." she said.

Midorima Shintarou had this strange obsession with horoscopes. From the moment she met him, he was always fascinated by the idea of maximizing his luck, something he almost completely relied on with his matches. It was eccentric to say the least,  but it was a unique charm that added layers to his personality.

So clearly, it was very unusual for him to be walking around without his lucky item, especially on the day he had an important match like this.

"I didn't need to. It's my unlucky day and plus, it's Aquarius' lucky day - Kuroko's lucky day, so I didn't need to bring one. I already learned my lesson last time," he mentioned, taking a big gulp from his drink.

That's weird. Even though he had unlucky days, he never failed to bring his lucky item.

Instead of probing any further, she decided to keep quiet and nod instead.

She said her goodbye to Midorima and headed back to the gymnasium to look for Akashi.

Just as she was about to contact him, she felt a finger tap her left shoulder. Startled, she jumped lightly and whipped her head around. She stared at the familiar face and exhaled in relief.

"Tetsuya-kun, you scared me," she breathe out while placing her hand on her chest in surprise.

He didn't say anything but instead pointed his finger to the direction opposite her.

"Akashi-kun is outside now. He said he wouldn't wait for you if you took long. You better get going," he mentioned while giving her a sly smile.

She panicked at the thought of being left behind.

She thanked Kuroko and hurriedly ran outside of the museum to see the same car located just in front of the gymnasium's entrance.

Panting heavily, she entered the car hastily and was greeted by an angry-looking red-head staring back at her.

"What took you so long?" he questioned with his typical death glare.

"Sorry, I was talking to Shintarou-kun," she admitted, shooting him an apologetic look.

He let out a heavy sigh and ordered Yoshino to start moving.

She looked at him from the corner of her eye to make sure he wasn't glaring at her anymore. To her surprise, he was looking out of the window and seemed to mutter something very silently under his breath.

She shrugged it off and rested her chin on the palm of her hands.

Sorry for the short chapter! :(

I needed to complete my Art work so yeah...

I'll try to update more often though I promise :)

Btw, what do you guys think of the story so far? I know it's a little blunt but I promise, I do indeed have already planned out a good plot climax to the story so stay tuned for that ;)


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