Chapter Eighteen

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After they were done at Maji's, Akashi ordered her to call Gorou-san for a ride home, threatening her that he'd impose extra council work if she got home too late.

Sayuri insisted on staying. Frankly, she was determined to prolong being away from her house as much as possible, and plus, watching Akashi play was entertaining.

Akashi made plans with Kotaro, his teammate to play at a nearby outdoor court, but the latter was still nowhere to be found when they arrived. Akahi groaned in annoyance and got ready to leave.

"Aho, at least wait for him to get here!" she warned, not surprised with his choice of action.

Patience was definitely not part of his dictionary.

When they arrived, there were already a group of middle schoolers playing in the court, all of them reluctant to leave. Until one of the boys realized who Akashi was, and with an appalled look on his face, whispered to his friends that they should probably leave.

She shook her head disapprovingly, feeling pity for the poor boys.

Whether it was the school court or a public court, everyone seems to know Akashi. As the former captain of the Generation of Miracles, he definitely made a reputed image of himself, garnering attention wherever he went.


Both Akashi and her flinched at the over-ecstatic voice, knowing exactly who it belonged to.

"Hamasaki-chan?! Wah, I sure am lucky to see you!" Kotaro cheered, his short golden hair bouncing along with his light steps.

He was about to greet her with a hug when Akashi grabbed his head. He glared at him menacingly, "Why the hell are you late?" he questioned, causing the blonde boy to cower.

"Gomen, Akashi-kun. I just couldn't leave my game! Can you believe I ranked the second best player in the nation? As expected-"

Akashi forcibly threw the ball to Kotaro's chest, cutting him mid-sentence as the ball practically punched his insides.

It took the two a while to settle down before finally deciding to play. Sayuri settled on a bench and observed them play.

Akashi smoothly bounced the ball past the blonde, scoring a point again and again. But despite the obviously one-sided game, Kotaro remained cheerful, probably too used to their gap in skill and talent.

As she watched them, she couldn't help but admire the way Akashi moved in the court. He played with the exemplary pride and elegance that any basketball player would envy.

He seemed so cheerful, so happy that she couldn't help but smile herself.

It wasn't long after the two decided to take a short break. She watched as he made his way towards her, sweat trickling down his face and his shirt slightly sticking onto his toned torso. She gulped anxiously, not understanding why her heartbeat picked suddenly picked up in speed.

Oh God.

He stretched his arms out to her and she placed a white towel onto his palm. She watched as he dried himself; how he slightly titled his neck to the side and the way droplets of water would hang from the tips of his fiery red hair.

There was an awkward silence.

"Uh, I'll go get some drinks from you guys," she said, breaking the silence.

She was about to get up when he quickly pushed her back down.

"It's fine, we'll do it," he ordered. "Oi, Kotaro," he gestured the clueless boy to follow him, leaving Sayuri stunned. His voice had an unusually powerful ring to it that she felt like she didn't have a choice.

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