Chapter Twenty Four

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After what felt like the longest three weeks of her life, it was finally the weekend.

Thankfully, she got her much needed sleep, the stress from the school festival magically disappearing after indulging in a relaxing self-care night.

The encounter with the two girls didn't bother her as much as she thought it would. In fact, Akashi seemed more annoyed with it than she was. He would constantly check up on the scratches on her neck, even going as far as sending her text message reminders to apply scar cream on it every night.

She appreciated his concern but she had to admit, she really wasn't used to the sudden attention. Especially not from him.

Speaking of Akashi, the engagement party preparations finally began. Her parents were busier than usual, balancing work with the added planning.

Her mom was especially hands-on with the matter. She and Shiori-san spent a lot more time together, only occasionally calling Sayuri in the middle of the day to get her opinion about something.

If she was being completely honest, she didn't care much about the party. She knew it was part of formalities but the thought of announcing an engagement in front of important people made her skin crawl.

Plus, he would definitely be there.

She hasn't seen or talked to Midorima since that day. Her anger definitely subsided, but the sour taste in her mouth was still there.

Though, she really couldn't care less about the green-haired boy right now. After all, Akashi was completely taking over more than half of her thoughts these days.

They spent a lot more time together now more than usual (if that was even possible). From going to school, to eating lunch, and even heading home together consistently for the last few days. It didn't even matter if he had basketball practice after class. Sayuri would gladly wait for him in the bleachers until he was done.

It was like they both couldn't get enough of each other's presence, and she absolutely didn't mind it.

"Sayuri-sama, you have a visitor," Aiko-san's voice called out, accompanied by a soft knock on her bedroom door.

The lady slightly unlatched the door, making sure she was up. It was currently almost 12 pm in the afternoon and she was still in bed, leisurely playing a game on her phone.

She let out a yawn, "Who is it?" she asked, unwilling to get up from her comfortable position.

"It's Akashi-sama,"

Upon hearing his name, Sayuri almost immediately shot up from her bed, suddenly realizing how much of a mess she looked.

"Aiko-san, please tell him to wait for 5 mins. I'll be done in a flash!" she said, hastily taming her bed-head.

She heard the lady slightly chuckle before muttering a soft 'yes ma'am'.

Sayuri ran to her walk-in closet, clumsily digging for some decent clothes. She settled with a matching sweat-set in the colour pink. She hurriedly put on some lip tint, checked herself one last time in the mirror, and ran out in full speed.

When she got to the living room, she was surprised to see not only Akashi but two tiny humans running around with their hands reached out towards each other.

The moment she came into view, they halted in their tracks. If it wasn't for Akashi's fast reflexes, they would have surely crashed into the non-child proofed edges of the coffee table.

"Onee-sama!" they both chanted in a chorus, a small boy and a smaller girl with maroon hair rushed to her.

She was held back in surprise as the children greeted her with a tight hug.

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