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8 Years Later

Married life with Akashi Seijuro was quite interesting.

Life really was unpredictable. Contrary to what their parents initially had in mind, Akashi never took over the company completely. After officially forming Vorpal Swords during University, Akashi decided that he would pursue basketball professionally. Of course, Sayuri was all for it, after all, she knew how much basketball meant to him especially because he was pursuing it with his dear friends.

The sudden change in profession, however, was not favoured by his father. He contemplated for a whole year, unsure of how to break it to his family that he would let Sayuri take over as CEO, and when he did, his father was not at all pleased.

There was anxiety, sleepless nights, and days when Sayuri even had to force him to eat. It took two years; two whole years of sneaking to basketball practices and covering up for him just so he could do what he loved, but eventually, his father gave in. 

He had to. How could he not when his son was becoming increasingly well-known as the first Japanese point-guard to make it to the NBA finals. How could he when Akashi, amidst his daily practices and occasional trips, still so diligently handled business-related matters? 

It felt like a decade-long journey for both Akashi and her, but they got through it together. She was his constant reminder that everything would turn out fine at the end, and thanks to the amount of times she took over his work responsibilities, she came to realize her knack for business management. 

She enjoyed being in control - thinking outside the box, looking at matters from different angles, and soon, her undying dislike for managing the company became an acquired passion, and Akashi was there to root for her whenever he could. 

They have been married for a year and a half now, and although their schedules get quite hectic from time to time, they make sure to spare some days for each other. Whether it be going on a relaxing holiday, meeting up with old friends, or even as simple as cooking together. 

Married life with Akashi was very, very fulfilling and she loved it. 

He grew out of his cold, almost tsundere side and became this loving gentleman that wasn't afraid to show affection towards her. Sure, they get into arguments, but it never got to a point where simple communication became futile. 

Talking to him now was easier than ever, and that was thanks to the countless misunderstandings and petty fights they had to experience throughout their relationship. 

It was a bumpy road, but nothing that their love for each other couldn't fly by.

Today was one of the rare weeks that she and Akashi's scheduled aligned. He had a week-long recovery break right after a successful match, and she, knowing full well that he'd be home for a while, decided to file a leave for the week. 

It was a lovely start to the day too, being held in his arms as they bask under the morning sun-rays seeping through the curtains. Being the early birds that they were, it was unusual for them to take their time in bed, but today was an exception. 

Sayuri missed lazy days with her busy husband and he wanted nothing more than to watch her tucked in his arms, half-lidded eyes fluttering at him as she squinted against the morning light. 

"What do you wanna do today, love?" he asked, stroking the back of her head with a gentle touch.

"Hmm," her eyes were still closed from the lingering sleepiness, "Nothing. I just wanna do nothing with you," she murmured as she nestled her face closer to the crook of his neck. 

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