Chapter Twenty Six

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"Yuri-chan!" a pink-haired, top-heavy girl waved at her from a distance. If it wasn't for her vibrant hair, she surely wouldn't have spotted her amidst the group of screaming fangirls crowding at the entrance of the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium.

"Satsuki-chan, Ohaiyou," she said as she got to the girl, panting.

Despite Akashi's warning, Sayuri just simply couldn't decline her friend's invitation. Plus, Kise Ryouta was one of her close friends from middle school and missing out on one of his important games didn't seem fair.

The Winter Cup venue was especially rowdy today thanks to Kise's fangirls hoping to get a glimpse of the golden boy.

Of course, she didn't completely block out Akashi's warning. In fact, she even sent him a text that morning telling him that she'd be at the game anyway. He saw her message but didn't reply, and she took that as a go signal.

They actually got to the venue pretty early so she had some time to kill before the game starts. Satsuki and her were about to grab a quick bite when Aomine 'urgently' called the pinkette, ordering her to bring him some food.

"I'll be right back Yuri-chan," the girl sighed, "Sometimes, I really feel like his babysitter," she groaned. Sayuri laughed at the two's weird friendship and assured the pinkette that she'll be fine on her own.

After finishing the last bite of her Yakitori, she decided to head towards the nearest vending machine to grab a drink.

She was just about to insert her coin when she felt someone tap her shoulder. She quickly turned to see a tall dark-haired boy, he had intense eyes and neat cornrows running through the back of his head.

She would be lying if she said she wasn't intimidated by him. He literally looked like the text-book example of a gangster.

But her impression of him immediately changed after he gave her a warm smile.

"I know you probably don't know me but," he stretched out his arm toward her, a can of peach tea in his hand, "Do you want a free drink?"

She eyed him suspiciously, looking back and front from the can to him.


"Oh! Sorry, I didn't explain. I actually got an extra drink for a friend but he doesn't want it anymore. Thought I'd save you a few coins," he said, gesturing to the drink that she almost paid for.

She looked down at the can. It was already open.

He must have noticed her questioning gaze and immediately spoke up before she could say anything.

"Ah, that! Don't worry, I didn't drink from it. I promise!" he assured, lifting the drink he was holding with his other hand as proof.

She usually didn't talk to strangers very easily, what more taking something from them. But the warm beam that this guy was giving her made it hard for her to refuse. Plus, she hated turning people down more than anything.

"Uhh, okay, thanks. I guess," she mumbled, carefully taking the can from his hand.

She took a sip from the drink, feeling famished from the amount of food Satsuki and her devoured a few minutes ago.

She eyed the tall boy from the corner of her eyes and noticed his jersey, the words 'Fukuda Sōgō' embroidered at the front.

Aren't they the team up against Kaijo today?

The boy must have noticed her staring at him because he suddenly turned her attention at her.

"I'm Haizaki Shogo," he smiled. "I play for Fukuda Shogo," he added, turning around and pointing to the school's name printed on the back of his varsity jacket.

"Oh, I see," she trailed on, taking another sip of her peach tea.

There was something familiar about his face; like she'd definitely seen him before once or twice but can't remember when.

She suddenly felt a sharp stinging pain coarse through her head. It felt as if a really bad migraine was dawning upon her and all she could think about was going to sleep.

In a matter of seconds, her vision turned blurry and she felt her legs give up on her.


The can of peach tea fell to the ground along with her body, and as she struggled to stay awake, she noticed the dark-haired boy enter her narrowing field of vision, a wicked smirk appearing on his lips.

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