Chapter One

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She impatiently tapped her fingers on the hardwood desk, swirling strands of her golden locks as she glanced at the digital clock on the wall.

Time never ran this slow. Every noise around her was irritating; the revving of the air conditioner, the shrills and screams of students outdoors, the annoying high-pitched voice of Akemi-sensei going on and on about a certain formula.

She sighed a deep, restless breath and propped her chin on the palm of her hands, gradually losing her sanity as the clock ticked by.

To be fair, despite her unawareness of what was going on in class, she was surprisingly intelligent. She excelled in almost everything, even earning the award of being the second smartest student in the entire school.

And the top student?

That was none other than Akashi Seijuro, the scarlet-haired heterochromatic genius who just happened to be her childhood best friend.

Whatever she did, she could never seem to beat him in academics. She scored a 99? No problem, he can add a 1 to that. She got a perfect score? Too bad she wasn't given a bonus mark for 'balancing club activities with academics'.

She sighed it off as she unintentionally (or intentionally) glared at the back of his head, petty grudges suddenly erupting thanks to her boredom.

As if on cue, the bell finally rang, signalling the end of the day.

Sayuri stood up from her seat abruptly and did some quick stretches before heading out of the classroom. But her hasty steps were halted upon realizing something important. She huffed a breath and slowly walked back to the classroom defeatedly.

She trudged to a certain redhead's desk, mentally scolding herself for forgetting such a crucial task.

"Y-Yo Sei, can I go-"

Before she could even finish her sentence, she was greeted by a glare from the boy, "No."

His voice was ice-cold, crisp enough to freeze water in a millisecond.

"You didn't even let me finish!" she complained, slamming her hand on his desk.

He sighed, "Because I already know what you're gonna say." She opened her mouth hesitantly, but no words came out.

"Seriously Sayuri, when will you learn your lesson? How hard is it to let your chauffeur know that you have extra classes? It's his job to get you home, at least take advantage of that," he lectured as he cleaned his desk and neatly placed his books inside his bag.

He looked up at her with his eerily tepid eyes, "And for god's sake, do something about your forgetfulness."

She stared at him with narrowed eyes, preparing for a huge comeback. But having been faced with similar situations in the past, she thought she'd be the bigger person and take his lecture calmly.

"Sayuri, do this, Sayuri, do that, blah blah blah," she murmured silently, just enough for him to hear.

Who does he think he is? My mom?!

"I heard that," he deadpanned, giving her the same irritated look as he walked towards the classroom door.

"I know," she rolled her eyes and watched as he slowly glanced back at her, shooting her an icy stare from the corner of his eyes.

She smirked, of course he couldn't resist his one and only best friend.

"Hurry up or I'll leave you."

A grin appeared on her face as she skipped towards him excitedly. They walked out of the school compound in familiar silence.

At the end of the gate stood a spotless jet-black limousine with a suited man in his early 40s standing before it. His hair was neatly styled to the side with some hair gel and his arms politely tucked behind his back.

"Yoshino-san!" Sayuri exclaimed as she ran towards him.

He gave the young lady a warm smile, "Good evening Hamasaki-sama," he greeted her while slightly bowing down his head in respect.

"Mou, didn't I say that I hate it when people are so formal to me?" she sulked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Gomenasai, Hamasaki-chan," he said while putting on an apologetic face.

He bowed slightly at Akashi who joined her shortly, pulling the car door open for the two to hop in.

"Let me guess Hamasaki-chan, you forgot to tell Gorou-san again? About your extra class?" he asked, looking at her through the rear-view mirror.

She was about to protest but pouted when she realized she was depleted from any more excuses. The man chuckled slightly, and Sayuri could see Akashi smirk from her peripheral vision.

The whole ride consisted of her asking random and unnecessary questions to the redhead which he unsurprisingly, completely ignored.

The ride home wasn't a long journey. In fact, it didn't take more than 8 mins to get there. If she was to choose, she'd rather walk home from school every day instead of taking the car, but her father wasn't too keen on the idea of her tiring her 'fragile legs.'

She couldn't protest so she just went with it.

Her parents were insanely overprotective, and the same was true for Akashi's parents. They were equally overprotective and they didn't want the two teens to do anything unnecessary by themselves.

She hated it, but sadly there was no other way, after all, she was too helpless to do anything about it.

Although looking back at it now, she never heard Akashi complain.

When they finally arrived, she quickly took her belongings and got escorted by Yoshino to her house's front gate.

She waved goodbye to the passive Akashi who bluntly looked at her with unwavering eyes.


She sighed as she walked through her enormous, well-groomed garden, the panoramic view of the 8,000 square feet mansion appearing in sight.

Maybe it was an understatement to say that her house was huge.

It had about eight guest rooms, two pools, a wine cellar, and even a theatre. The floors were made out of marble and the interior was noticeable well thought-out.

Whenever she brought people from school, they never went back home with the same outlook as before. She was suddenly just another rich girl that everyone hoped to befriend.

It wasn't like she wanted the attention. In fact, she hated it. Sure she's got every person in her school wanting to hang around her, but she was well aware that they only did so to get a shower of her wealth.

They treated her as though she was a vending machine - once they got what they needed, they leave and come back when they need something again. This was exactly why she clung onto Akashi - to him, she wasn't just another rich girl, she was his scatterbrained best friend living next door.

As she walked through the door, she was greeted by the housekeeper neatly lined up on opposite sides.

"Welcome home, Hamasaki-sama~" they sang in a chorus. She nodded slightly at them and ran towards her room.

She let out one big sigh of relief and threw herself at her queen-sized bed.

Why the heck am I always tired every day? She thought. 

She laid on her back as her eyes search the pictures that were stuck on her lavender painted walls. She got up and slowly walked towards them, a small smile appearing on her face.

A picture of her and a certain green-haired boy caught her eye.

She felt familiar butterflies swarming her stomach, and she couldn't help but get lost in his eyes.

Those sea-green eyes.

A pink blush appeared on her cheeks as she stroked the smooth surface of the picture.

"Midorima Shintarou."

Those Heterochromatic Eyes (Kuroko no Basket - Akashi Seijuro Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now