Chapter Forty

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While Akashi was in Tokyo, the Generation of Miracles took that as a chance to commence the surprise party planning. 

Well, to be fair, Sayuri did fifty per cent of the planning - with the help of Momoi, while the rest of the boys egged them on from the sidelines. 

The group chat was in pure chaos thanks to Kise's inability to focus on the topic at hand, and she was starting to think that she asked for a favour and not vice versa. 

Speaking of the Generation of Miracles, she hasn't come across Midorima just yet during their brief Maji Burger 'meetings', but she knew she'd have to face him sooner or later considering the party was to be held at his family's pension at Kyoto. 

Initially, she was reluctant to agree to the plan, after all, she did have the biggest house to comfortably accommodate Akashi's guests, but Momoi convinced her that the problem lies in exactly that. They don't want the redhead to feel as if it was another one of his extravagant parties, but instead, a gathering of friends under one cozy venue. 

Of course, not to say that Midorima's pension was tiny, but it was definitely homier than the Hamazaki residence. 

If she was being completely honest, ever since finding out that the green-haired boy was not responsible for spreading the rejection rumours at Rakuzan, she feels more at ease to face him. Megumi's confession made it clear that Midorima was in fact, not as despicable as she thought, and she was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt if the time comes. 

Though having said that, she was still not completely comfortable with the idea of being in the same room as him. But she had priorities, and making Akashi's birthday special was definitely more important than her slight discomfort. 

It was currently 7 pm on December 19th, just a few hours away from the redhead's birthday. She, Momoi, Rina, and the Generation of Miracles plus Kagami were huddled around Kise, staring at his screen and intently listening to the dial tone ringing in succession. 

The teens basically turned the pension's party hall into a blop of pink; pink balloons, pink decorations, pink candles, and pink party hats - a dumb prank Aomine came up with based on the long-running inside joke they had about Akashi's presumed favourite colour (no it wasn't, but it was still funny).

After a few seconds, Akashi's voice was heard on the other end of the line, and everyone had to hold their breath to make sure not a single sound escapes from their mouth.

"What?" the redhead's stoic voice erupted from the phone.

Kise shuffles in his seat, "Akashicchi! Are you still here in Tokyo?" he lies.

"No, I'm on the train going back to Kyoto. Why?"

"Aww man! We were gonna ask you to meet up with us before you leave. It's your birthday tomorrow so we thought we'd celebrate it early," the blond lied, shooting everyone a mischievous grin.

"It's fine. Not a big deal. I'll treat you guys next week or something," he replied in his usual bland tone.

The moment the two ended their conversation, all their attention was on her. Knowing how fast Akashi caught on to surprises, she gave the boys an idea to trick him. Kise was supposed to make the captain believe they were still in Tokyo and subtly ask for his whereabouts before Sayuri could dial him up again for 'help'.

"Wait! Give it a few minutes at least!" Kagami suggested as everyone prompted her to call the redhead. 

They let a few minutes pass before everyone huddled around her, eagerly watching as she dialled up his number. 

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