Chapter Nine

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The sudden beep of the car horn jolted her body awake, noticing a matte-black Pathfinder appearing in her field of vision. She scanned the tinted windows of the car as Yoshino-san stepped out of the driver's seat, quickly taking her backpack as she stood up from the sidewalk.  

If she knew that the match started at 8 o'clock in the morning, maybe she would've thought twice before absentmindedly telling Midorima that she'd be there. She was the worst person to deal with in the morning after all.

Getting convenience store popsicles at 12am in the morning was a bad idea but she and Akashi were determined to make the most out of the hectic night; something they could only do when their parents were occupied with guests. Though when the redhead reminded her of the match timings, she almost cursed out loud.

A part of her regretted her decision, she was a heavy sleeper after all. But maybe seeing Midorima's face this early would make her day better.

She yawned heavily as she hopped inside the car, accidentally bumping her knee onto Akashi's leg. He shot her a glare which caused her to roll her eyes, clearly not in the mood to bicker with him. 

Feeling her body grow heavy by the second, she flopped down on the seat beside him, nonchalantly leaning her head on his shoulder. "I feel like death," she murmured as she crossed her arms over her chest. 

Akashi eyed her, knowing full well that she was riding out her morning grumpiness.

"What time did you sleep?" he questioned bluntly, making Sayuri wonder if he really even cared for her answer.

"Uh, like 3 am," she replied as she stared out of the window. Her eyelids were still heavy with sleep when she felt Akashi brush a strand of her hair away from her face.

"Sleep. It's a pretty long ride," he stated while looking at the blonde who seemed to be drifting into sleep-land.

She hummed and nodded slightly, finding solace in his familiar scent.

* * *

"Tetsuya-kun!" She shouted as she ran towards the blue-haired boy.

She grinned at him widely and ruffled his hair.

"Hamasaki-chan, what are you doing here?" he asked with curiosity etched in his features. 

"Wow, are you not happy to see me?" she pouted jokingly.

"No, no. That's not what I meant! I'm just surprised," he stated, giving her a reassuring smile, "You don't usually come for our matches unless it's those official ones," he trailed on. 

She laughed, "Well... to be fair there's another reason why I'm here but It's also because I miss seeing you guys play," she smiled. Kuroko nodded and gestured for her to follow him down the corridor.

Sayuri trailed the blue-haired boy to the locker room where she met the rest of the Seirin team.

She felt relieved that Kuroko was surrounded by such caring and wonderful people, but it didn't stop her from missing the days when she'd see him play so perfectly with the Teiko team. Especially with Aomine.

After getting acquainted with the Seirin team, she decided to head towards the bleachers where Akashi sat quietly. He acknowledged her silently but kept his attention on the court below. 

There was constant murmurs in the gymnasium as the audience awaited the players, tension gradually rising up for the outcome of the match.

After a few minutes, the silence was cut as the cheering and the screaming of the audience suddenly increased in volume. Sayuri whipped around in surprise and glued her eyes onto the court. 

A bunch of boys wearing white and orange jersey made their way to the center.

Shutoku High.

There stood the green-haired boy beside number 10 who she remembered was Takao Kazunari. They were lined up parallel to Seirin and both teams bowed to each other before starting the game.

There was undeniable tension even at the initial stages of the game. Almost every move made by each team were equally smart and calculated. You've always enjoyed watching matches between the Generation of Miracles, but you could tell Seirin was especially fired up today.

Their scores were extremely close and the tension among the audience was radiation throughout the gymnasium.

Kagami Taiga; she's heard rumors about his insane capabilities but she never got the chance to see him in action. So watching him now completely exceeded her expectations. As she observes his proficiency in the court, she couldn't help but think about how effortlessly he could pass as a member of the Generation of Miracles. 

He responded to every three pointers from Midorima and even though he struggled to block his shots, he made sure to get the rebound as fast as he could to earn back the points lost.

It was incredibly mind blowing to say the least and she hasn't felt this level of excitement since her Teiko days. This was definitely the first time in a while watching a game this tensed and serious.

When she watched Teiko's matches back in middle school, all the members were always calm and collected. Thinking back, they might've been too calm, and there wasn't a single game where she noticed any tension from the members. Their confidence allowed them to take control of the game after all, so this match was a breath of fresh air.

She was brought back to present when a chorus of gasps erupted in the stadium.

Sayuri turned her attention back to the court immediately.

The ball was dropped in the middle of Kagami and Midorima, with Midorima still in a shooting position. Even with the distance between them, Sayuri could map out the shocked expression on his face as Kagami crouched down onto his knees.

Confusion filled her mind as she turned around to face Akashi hoping to find an answer.

The redhead looked unfazed, almost happy even. He turned his attention to her slowly and back at the court, "Kagami blocked his shot."

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