Chapter Eight

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"I wasn't expecting you to attend the party," the redhead admitted as he walked towards the two of them.

"You are going against Seirin tomorrow after all," Akashi added.

Shintarou smirked.

"It's not necessary to practice," he replied.

Sayuri suddenly remembered about the match. She's been hearing about the Seirin versus
Shutuko match from all over Rakuzan, as everyone seemed hyped about it.

Oh, that's right! Tetsuya-kun studies at Seirin, she thought, a clear picture of the blue-haired boy appearing in her mind.

She hasn't seen him in a while. The same goes for the other members of the Teiko basketball team.

"You're underestimating Seirin, Shintarou," Akashi replied in a distasteful tone.

As the ex-captain of the Teiko basketball team, he strongly believes that each member is capable in their own ways. Especially Tetsuya. And plus, Seirin in fact has Kagami Taiga whose strength is almost tied with those of the Generation of Miracles.

Midorima simply remained silent.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe I am underestimating them. But that's not the reason I attended this party, I just wanted to see Hamasaki," he admitted.

Sayuri's eyes widened and she couldn't help but gawk at him in shock.

He what? Oh Kamisama, please just tell me I'm dreaming.

A pinkish blush appeared on her cheeks which Akashi didn't miss. He glanced at her and
then back at Midorima.

"After you told me that she beat you once in Shogi, I thought beating her meant being one step closer to beating you. But of course, I didn't expect it to be easy," he
explained, the tone of his voice still remained constant even as he clenched his fist after saying
the last sentence.

She would be lying if she said that didn't sting, but then again, it was her fault for expecting he's go out of his way to see her for her.

Akashi smirked.

"I warned you didn't I? Even I know it's not easy to beat her. She did win second place in the Shogi competition after all," he stated as looked at Sayuri from the corner of his eye.

Sayuri felt uncomfortable.

Did he just compliment me? Or is he trying to pick a fight?

"Well then, I should take my leave. It was nice to see you here Akashi," He replied as he turned his back towards the both of them, getting ready to leave.

Realization hit her.

He's leaving?! No. No. No.

"Shintarou-kun!" she called out in panic.

She didn't realize what she did until she saw him turn back to look at her.

"I'll be watching your match with Seirin tomorrow!" she said, shooting him an encouraging smile.

He nodded quickly at her and continued walking.

When she was sure that he was far enough, she turned to face Akashi, glaring at him.

The red head raised an eyebrow.

"What?" he asked with a bored tone.

"Baka Seijuro! You ruined yet another moment I have with him!" she exclaimed
in frustration.

"I told you to stay away from him haven't I?" she added, anger lacing her voice.

"I don't recall you ever telling me that," he answered with his intimidating voice.

Sayuri was about to protest when she realized that she wouldn't win against him anyway.

"And why did you tell him that you're going to watch his match with Seirin tomorrow?" He scoffed, "I know you only said that to catch his attention," he added, a smirk appearing on his face.

"S-Shut up! Of course I'll be be watching. And plus, he's not the only reason I'm watching the match. I want to see Tetsuya-kun too you know," she said, feeling proud of her quick reply.

"If that's the case then you're coming with me tomorrow," he ordered.

"And why do I need to do that?" she questioned as she placed both her hands at her hips.

Akashi smirked even wider.

"Why? Do you even know where Seirin is?" he asked teasingly, giving her a smug glare.

Sayuri realized what he said and blushed in embarrassment.

"O-Ofcourse, I knew where it is! But fine, if you insist then I'll go with you. Jeez, just say you're clingy and go," she commented trying to sound convincing.

She didn't notice Akashi's eyes slightly widening at her last sentence. He scoffed and shot her a chilly glare before walking away.

Jeez, sometimes I really hate him.

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