Chapter Twenty Eight

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*Slight Lemon Warning*

"-she really just needs to take it easy. The GHB's effect has completely rubbed off but she'll most definitely still feel some after-effects. I suggest letting her take a break from school for a while... it could be good for her mental well-being too."

The voice was recognizable, its deep, hoarse tone triggering old memories.

Sighs of relief echoed through the room.

She struggled to open her eyes, only being able to squint through the blaring sun-lit room.

Saying her head hurt was a huge understatement. It was as if two strong fists were pushing against her temples.

There was total blackness for a while before her eyes finally adjusted to her surroundings.

Surprisingly, the room looked very familiar from her adjusting blurry vision; lavender colored walls, neatly arranged picture frames, and cream-coloured curtains.

She realized she was in her own bedroom, her parents standing at the edge of her queen-sized while facing a tall man in his mid 50s. He wore a white coat, and a stethoscope hung from his neck.

She squinted further and realized that it was their family doctor, Dr. Akio.

"There's nothing to worry about. She'll wake up sooner or later," he said assuringly, her mom leaning closer to her dad in relief.

She wanted badly to pull herself up and talk, but it felt like every bit of her strength was sucked out from her. It left her no choice but to stay put and accept the drowsiness wearing down her body.

It didn't take long before her parents finally left the room, each giving her a gentle peck on the forehead before leaving.

She sighed deeply as her eyes darted to a polaroid picture of her and a certain scarlet-haired boy hanging on the wall.

That's when memories of the recent events came flooding in.

The Winter Cup, meeting Haizaki Shogo, and passing out, only to wake up to an alarming view of Akashi about to thrust a knife into Shogo's chest.

She flung her eyes shut, overwhelmed with the surge of emotions swamping her mind.

It almost felt like a blur; from the moment her friends entered the gymnasium to the time she heard sirens wailing outside of Teiko Middle School, the police seizing the petrified Shogo and forcing him inside the car.

But throughout the whole messy ordeal, she clearly remembered being constantly assured. Whether it was a gentle hand lovingly rubbing her back or soft lips gently touching her forehead, she felt completely safe because Akashi was with her through it all.

Seeing him in such a frenzied state wasn't easy for her to process, especially after waking up from such a bad dream. She swore she saw danger evident in his eyes as he held onto the knife, and Sayuri felt her heart drop from the intensity of his aura.

For a moment, he had the same look he did four years ago when she witnessed his other side take over; his desperate reaction to the burden he suddenly had to carry after being appointment as the Generation of Miracles' captain.

Since then, he almost completely changed. Especially to those around him.

The warmth, the gentleness, and his non-hostile composure suddenly disappeared, and she was the only one lucky enough to actually get a fleeting glimpse of his warmer self.

But what she saw in his eyes that day as he stared down at Haizaki was a sight she would never forget.

At that moment, she really didn't know who he was. He wasn't Akashi Seijuro. He was a stranger propelled by animosity and malevolence.

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