Chapter Five

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The sound of her curtains being drawn filled her ears. She rubbed the sleep off of her eyes as the morning sun rays passed through the clear glass windows.

When her vision finally adjusted to the sudden surge of light, she noticed the plump figure of her housemaid standing at the end of her king-sized bed.

"Good morning, Hamasaki-sama~" the maid's over-enthusiastic voice rang in her ears, causing her to groan in annoyance.

"Mmm...five minutes..." she answered, not bothered to welcome a new day. She genuinely wondered how anyone could become a morning person.

"I'm afraid I cannot let you rest longer Hamasaki-sama. Your parents are expecting to have breakfast with you," she started. "They said they'll be waiting for you at the gazebo table," she added, while slightly pulling the covers of her bed.


"Alright..." Sayuri murmured groggily, knowing full well that her father would be mad if she didn't show up for breakfast.

After washing her face and getting into a more proper attire, she headed down the staircase, hurriedly making her way to the mansion's garden.

The pleasant aroma of freshly cooked blueberry pancakes and jasmine tea filled her nose and it suddenly hit her why breakfast was the only thing that motivated her to get up every morning. 

"Ohaiyou Otou-sama, Okaa-sama," she said while giving each of them a kiss on the cheek.

They both beamed at her and signalled her to sit down.

She sat in her seat with the help of one of the maids who placed a cream white napkin on her lap.

"Dear, should I accompany you to buy your dress?" her mother asked, eyeing her as he daintily wiped her mouth.

"There's no need mom. I bought one yesterday with Rina-chan," she explained, her eyes locked onto the enticing pancake stack.

"Well, if that's the case then," she began.

Sayuri started munching on her pancakes, savouring the flavour while still keeping her composure in check. She had to force herself to remain calm knowing what 'today' was.

She smiled slightly while fantasizing about the disposition of events that might happen to her and Midorima later that evening. 

The morning couldn't have gone by any slower. After breakfast, she hurriedly raced back to her room, pacing around and growing impatient from waiting on Rina. She could not believe she was running late now of all days.

"Where the heck is she?" she mumbled to herself as she paced around the room.

As if on cue, the doorbell rang indicating that someone was outside the mansion.

She heard the doors unlock and a chorus of voices saying "Welcome, Tachibana-sama".

Sayuri ran downstairs to greet her friend and pulled her impatiently into her bedroom, which earned her a look of complaint from the girl.

"Sorry I'm late Sayu-chan," she said while smiling nervously.

Sayuri sighed, "That's alright, now hurry up and help me get ready. We only have exactly 2 hours!" she replied in a panicked tone.

Rina chuckled and jokingly shook her head, "You're too excited Sayu-chan. Calm down, we can finish before 7, alright?" she reassured.

"Shut up. I'm not excited," replied Sayuri, pouting.

After a few hours of getting ready, Rina was finally done with Sayuri's hair, makeup, and outfit.

She smiled confidently and nodded to herself, quite pleased with her work.

"I'm a hundred per cent sure Midorima-kun will fall in love with you once he sees this," she said, emphasizing the 'in love'.

Sayuri felt her face heat up. She observed herself in her full body mirror and thought, as expected of Rina-chan.

Her golden locks were made into an elegant updo which consisted of a braid placed at the top of her head, creating the illusion of a crown. Her dark purple dress hugged her body perfectly with see-through lace sleeves and a rose gold statement necklace.

The dress reached her mid-thighs. It wasn't too short nor too long. It was perfect.

Her whole outfit was then complemented with matching rose gold heels, a burgundy clutch, and some light makeup.

"Rina-chan..." she replied in awe.

Rina crossed her arms nodding to herself confidently.

Just as she was about to speak, a soft voice spoke outside of her bedroom door.

"Dear, are you prepared? We'll be leaving shortly," her mother reminded.

"I am! I'll be down in a bit," she replied while grabbing Rina's hands and dragging her out of the room.

Once they were in the living room, Sayuri thanked Rina and they both said their farewells.

"You better tell me what happens alright?" Rina said smiling at the girl widely.

"I will Rina-chan~" she replied as she started walking towards the door. She waved goodbye to her friend and mouthed the words, 'thank you'.

Outside the mansion's gate stood a white limousine with her mother and father already seated comfortably inside.

She stepped inside and gave each of them a smile. "You look stunning dear," her mother commented while observing her attire.

She muttered a quick 'thanks' and returned the compliment.

"Ready princess?" her father asked.

Sayuri sighed in a mixture of relief and nervousness, knowing full well that tonight's events fully depended on her efforts. She needed to overcome her lack of confidence if she was serious about Midorima and she was willing to whatever it takes to have zero regrets.


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