Chapter Thirteen

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She didn't get any sleep that night. Her mind ran wild of the new changes she'd have to face after the news.

She pretended to be asleep when her housemaids entered the room. Aiko-san, who had taken care of her since she was two, knew immediately that something was up.

"Sayuri-sama, you have school today," she said, her voice was soft and soothing.

Sayuri didn't move. She thought she at least deserved to take one day off to allow everything to sink in

But that's when she realized.

She was just appointed as vice-president yesterday. What would the members who trusted her think if she didn't show up today?

She sighed and turned to face the middle aged women on the right side of her bed.

"Aiko-san... I want blueberry pancakes today."

* * *

The bell for the first lesson just rang when she reached the campus. She sighed for the nth time as she hurriedly made her way towards the main entrance of the building.

When she finally got to class, almost everyone was already there. She made her way towards the window seat but before she could take a settle down, her homeroom teacher addressed her.

"Ah, Hamasaki-san it's good you're here. I was just about to announce to everyone about your new assigned role for the school," Tanaka-sensei commented, earning reactions from her classmates.

Except Akashi of course. He put his head down on the table and seemed like he was half-asleep.

Looking at him made her uncomfortable but despite this, she couldn't help but think about how he would react upon nearing the news.

She hoped that he wouldn't take the news too badly. Akashi never talked about his love life with Sayuri, he never took interest in any girl, but despite this, she was sure that he someday, Akashi would find someone he'd genuinely love.

Just like how she felt for Midorima.

The feeling of guilt gushed through her body.

"Student, Hamasaki-san here is Rakuzan's newest Vice President. She will be replacing Shimizu-san who unfortunately had to drop out of school for personal reasons." he explained, as he gestured towards her.

Murmured discussions erupted and wished she could block out the noise. But some comments were just too harsh to not hear.

"Why does it have to be her? She spends enough time with Akashi-kun already. Tsk, how selfish, she could have at least given others a chance."

"Right? Being childhood friends doesn't give her a fast-pass."

Sayuri paid no attention to Akashi's fan girls as she pulled out her books from her backpack.

When the bell rang for recess, she figured going to the cafeteria would only mean more comments thrown at her, so she decided that she would go to the roof-top instead.

She was about to leave when a voice called out to her.


She stopped in her tracks upon hearing a familiar voice.

She slowly turned her attention to the red-head.

"Meet me at the council room in a bit. We need to discuss a few things with the members." he stated, as he took his bag from the side of the table and swung it across his shoulder.

She gave him a quick nod and observed him as he left the room.

An unfamiliar feeling swirled in her stomach. A feeling she never had with Akashi.

She snapped back to reality and walked towards the council room with heavy steps.

She unlocked the door expecting to be greeted by a bunch of members, but instead, she was welcomed by a frowning Akashi, seated on a chair behind his desk.

She raised an eyebrow at him while pulling out a chair from the conference table.

"Where's the rest? I thought they'd be here already?" she questioned.

"I lied." he answered, leaving her confused.


"I just need to talk to you about something," he continued, letting go on the pen he was holding to pay more attention to her.

"Yeah, actually, me too." she admitted. She figured she'd tell him about the news sooner rather than later. After all, if there was something she was bad at, it was that keeping secrets from Akashi never worked in her favor.

When he didn't respond, she took that as a chance to say it first.

"I know you're gonna be shock-"

"Save it. I already now." he said, cutting her off rudely.

Her eyes widened upon realizing what he meant.

She immediately lowered her head down, refusing to look up at him.

"I'm sorry, I know we both disagree with the idea. You know I'm powerless against my parents, and I just couldn't change my father's mind," she muttered quietly, just enough for him to hear.

The familiar feeling of guilt floated around her chest. She knew how much Akashi would disagree to this. She knew him long enough to know that he never liked being forced to do anything.

"If you hate it so much, we can do something-"

"When did I say I hated the idea? Actually, it's perfect," he said, unexpectedly, his eyes now staring straight into Sayuri's.

At first, she thought maybe he was simply being sarcastic, but judging from his expression, she knew that he was being dead serious.

Did I just hear that right?

"What?" she questioned, wanting to hear him say it again.

"I think it's a great idea. You know me, the idea of love and marriage doesn't concern me at all. But if it means inheriting the company, then I don't see a problem with it. Plus, it's just you. I'd rather it be you than some random girl anyway." he trailed off.

She stared at him in disbelief.

"Listen, our parents' are right. You'll only get in my way as a business partner. Let's be honest, you're not good enough to run a company. At least if we get married you don't even have to lift a finger to safeguard your family's shares. Just sit at home, do your thing, I don't really care." he said with his usual calm voice.

She prayed to god that he didn't mean any of what he said.

And there she was hoping that maybe he, out of all people would take her side. She was hoping that he'd share her feelings, that they'd do something about this together.

But she was wrong.

She hated showing weakness, but right at that moment, she couldn't help the tears from building up in her eyes.


Even him?

She stood up abruptly and walked towards the door.

Just as she was about to scram off, she turned her head towards Akashi.

"I hate you."

The only person she thought would understand her, completely betrayed her.

Hi guys! I'm back! :)

Long chapter for you guys <3

I know I know, you guys will probably really hate Akashi now but don't worry, just wait for what will happen next ;)

Chapter 14, will come out tomorrow.

Until then, stay awesome guys.


Oh and what do you think of the new KnB 2 episode 18? Ahhhh. It's literally driving me cray.

Ps. Let me know of you want a chapter from Akashi's point of view. I might be able to do it some time in the story.

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