Chapter Thirty Five

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Seirin High versus Rakuzan High; the most anticipated match-up of the Winter Cup finals.

After winning against every team that possessed a member of the Generation of Miracles, Seirin made a name for themselves at Rakuzan. Their sudden spike in popularity erupted debates amongst the students, and suddenly, people weren't so sure anymore if Rakuzan was truly an unbeatable team.

Being the prestigious high school that it was, the sports clubs, most especially the basketball team was given a lot of financial support by the management, so losing was not something they could do whenever they felt like it.

Rumour has it that even the team captain's father gave monthly stipends to the school. Though, of course, why wouldn't he?

Why wouldn't he if it was something that his one and only son excelled in? Winning was everything in the Akashi family and Sayuri knew that better than anyone else. 

All she can do now is silently hope that Akashi doesn't lose himself in the match again. She hopes that the pressure put on him by his father doesn't affect his genuine love for the sport. 


Sayuri flinched from the high-pitched shrieks that echoed in the hallway. She turned her attention to the culprit of the sudden commotion and wasn't surprised to see a familiar blond boy, waving coyly at the crowd of high school girls swarming around him. 

"I don't think I can ever get used to how perfect his face is," Rina commented, as she stared at the 6 foot 2 model. "But then again, Tetsuya-kun beats him in every other aspect," she added, earning herself a playful eye roll from Sayuri. 

"Oh? Sayuricchi!" the blond suddenly perked up upon noticing her and he rushed through the crowd, his arms flailing around in the air to catch her attention.

She could feel sweatdrops as she flinched at the glares shot towards her. Nonetheless, she smiled warmly at the tall boy as he pulled her into a tight, bone-crushing hug.

"Itai, Kise-kun, I can't breathe," she complained, causing the boy to instantly let her go. 

"Gomen, gomen, I just missed you! We didn't spend enough time that day," he pouted. Rina raised her eyebrows at their interaction which alerted Sayuri.

"Ah, Rina-chan, this is Kise-kun. We know each other from middle school," she said, introducing her two friends. 

"Hi! I'm a fan! Nice to meet you. Tetsuya-kun talks a lot about you," the brunette chirped as she cheerily waved her hands at the boy. 

"You know Kurokocchi?! That's so cool," he commented, causing the shorter girl to blush a light pink.

Sayuri let out a laugh, "Yeah, they're dating," she explained, to which Kise dramatically took. His mouth formed the shape of an 'o' and he bombarded Rina with endless questions.

It seems the blond was here with his Kaijo team as well to spectate the match. In fact, she was sure all of the members of the Generation of Miracles would be present, as it was something unmissable.

The three walked towards the arena, Kise and Rina still engaged in some sort of argument of who loves Kuroko more. The seats were filling up quite fast and she hurriedly raced to the closest row from the court to get the best view. 

"Is it this seat, Rina-chan?" she asked impatiently as she gestured to the two slow-pokes.

As soon as she got the confirmation from Rina, she immediately settled into the seat, feeling too giddy to even care about her surroundings. 

She literally had horse-vision for the redhead as he silently led his team through the warm-up. She was so engrossed that she didn't even realize that someone tapped her shoulder repeatedly.

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