Chapter Seventeen

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When the council members arrived, they practically turned the entertainment room upside down. There were half-done posters, piles of papers with requests to be attended to, and six distressed individuals scurrying around to get their tasks done.

It was turbulent, but they got the job done. At least more than they could ever get done on campus.

It was so hectic that Sayuri didn't even get a chance to think about Akashi's comment before leaving his room.

It was almost six-thirty when the council members decided to head home, imaginary steam practically erupting from their overworked heads.

Sayuri waved good bye to the rest as if it was her own house and the treasure, Yuma-chan took notice of this and asked why she wasn't going home.

"Ah," she said, rubbing the back of her head. "Don't worry, I live really close by. You guys go on ahead without me!" she reassured, earning wary nods from the other four.

Lately, she didn't exactly like spending at home, due to the tension between her and her parents. She wasn't avoiding them, but she did try to skip dinner as much as she could.

Going back inside the house, she quickly sent a text to Aiko-san instructing her to let her parents know that she'll be having dinner at the Akashi's.

"Sei-kun," she started, melting down into the living room sofa.

"I'm hungry," she complained, as she gave him a pleading stare.

He sighed deeply, paying no heed to her as he swiftly made his way up the stairs.

"Oi! Don't just leave me here!" she bursted.

He stopped in his tracks, "I'm gonna change. Still wanna come?"

She blushed deep red, recalling her embarrassing encounter with him earlier that day.

"N-No! I'll wait for you here then," she yelped, feeling her cheeks rise in temperature.

He snickered and continued to climb up the stairs.

Get your mind out of the gutter Sayuri!

She couldn't believe she was getting flustered over something like this.

After a few minutes of waiting, Akashi appeared on top of the stairs, running down with a basketball in his arm. He was dressed in some black basketball shorts paired with a dark purple windbreaker.

When he reached the ground floor, she didn't spare her a glance, only continuing in his way towards the front door.

She stood up abruptly, "Hey! Where are you going?!"

"You said you were hungry," he deadpanned.

She smiled widely and followed him to the door.

"Where are we eating?" she questioned, grabbing her coat from the rack and clumsily putting it on.

"At a food place."

"Tsk. Touché." she said, rolling her eyes. "Your treat?"

Instead of replying, he simply remained silent and began to dribble his basketball.

* * *

After walking for a few minutes, Sayuri huffed in disappointment after realizing where he took her. The familiar building giving her flashbacks.

"Maji Burger? Seriously?!" she questioned sharply, motioning to the fast food restaurant that stood in front of them.

"Are you complaining?" he scowled, as he push the glass door open.

"I was just literally here..." she murmured to herself, recalling the day she unexpectedly met Kuroko after hearing about the engagement.

"When?" he asked.

What the hell, he heard me?!

"Uh no, I meant Rina-chan and I are always chillin' here, so..." she said, hoping he wouldn't ply further.

He nodded and headed towards the counter. Out of habit, she placed her debit card on the counter, but Akashi quickly handed his to the cashier instead.

She chortled. When was the last time he treated her?

They picked a table next to the window and she hurriedly unwrapped her beef burger. She practically gobbled it up, feeling the hunger rise from the long day they had.

"Eat slowly."

She looked up at the boy in front of her and smiled meekly.

"So," she started, struggling to chew the huge bite she took. "Are you planning to play today?" she asked curiously, gesturing to the basketball placed on his right side.

"Kotaro wants to play" he explained, monotonously.

She muttered an 'oh' before taking a sip of her strawberry milkshake.

"So why did you treat me today?" she questioned curiously. Other than her birthdays and special occasions, Akashi would never go out of his way to treat her food. He barely even gives her gifts, and she could probably count in one hand, the amount of things he gifted her throughout their friendship.

No answer.

She decided to brush it off and continued eating her burger.

" still haven't answered my question the other day," he commented, his voice carrying a sense of seriousness.

She eyed him in confusion.

What question?

He looked up at her, his crimson and golden eyes boring deep into her blue ones.

"Do you really hate me? Hate the idea of being engaged to me?" he asked, his voice low and raspy.

For the second time, she couldn't answer him. She didn't know what to say. Does he hate him? No. But does she like the idea of marrying him? Probably not.

If there was one thing she learnt from the past few days, it was the fact that her outlook on him was slowly changing. His stares, his comments, and his small gestures were more significant to her now, and she couldn't understand why the comfortable nature of their friendship was suddenly slipping away.

It was like she just met him a couple of days ago.

Whether it was a good thing or not, she couldn't tell. But she knew eventually that things between them will need to change for this engagement to work.

He didn't avert his gaze from her for a moment, awaiting her reply patiently.

She hesitantly began her sentence, "N-No, I don't hate you," she murmured quietly, just enough for him to hear.

There was a long silence before he spoke.

"I'm sorry... for what I said that day," he replied, his voice was soft and sincere that it struck a chord within her.

"I didn't mean it," he added. His words took her by surprise, not used to an apologetic Akashi.

She laughed lightly, catching his attention.

She shot him a reassuring smile.

She knew that things weren't going to be the same between them, but at least now, she's confident enough to say that she didn't mind being engaged to him anymore.

"I don't think I'll last hating you anyway."

Those Heterochromatic Eyes (Kuroko no Basket - Akashi Seijuro Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now