Chapter Thirty One

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"He did what?!"

Rina had her mouth hung upon, too astounded to even process what Sayuri said.

"Yeah, he literally ankle-breaked everyone on the court," she said, referring to that weekend's shocking turn of events.

After what happened at the outdoor court that day, Akashi never talked about it again once. She remembered eating the parfait with him that night, enjoying each other's company like he didn't just kick four university students asses in a heartbeat.

"Wah, I wish I was there to witness that," the brunette mumbled, still dazed at her story.

Sayuri shook her head jokingly and placed her shoes in the locker, changing into her indoor shoes as she watched Rina in amusement.

She was thankful that the brunette could at least lift up the mood considering she started the week bleeding.

She sighed heavily and crouched forward in an attempt to ease her cramps. Rina looked at her in concern and she mouthed "periods" at the brunette. Rina gave her an empathetic smile as she patted the blonde's hair comfortingly.

They were casually walking towards their classroom when she felt someone tap her shoulder.


She turned around, surprised to see a rather tall boy with mauve-coloured hair smiling sheepishly at her. He was so pretty that she immediately understood why he had a trail of girls following him from behind.

"Hai?" she said, returning the boy's smile.

"Sorry to bother, but the girls said you were the vice-president and I thought you might be able to help me," he explained, gesturing to the group of star-struck girls listening in to their conversation.

"Oh! Yeah, I'm the vice. What can I help you with?" she said, turning her full attention to the boy.

He introduced himself as Nakamura Kaito, a transfer student from Tokyo who moved into Kyoto just a few weeks ago. He seemed to have forgotten his schedule and needed someone to help him find his class.

He was rather bubbly, totally contrasting to his towering height. He made small talk with her very easily and she couldn't help but notice how much he reminded her of Kise. Only, less touchy and hyperactive.

As they walked back from the teacher's office, Sayuri noticed how easily he turned everyone's heads at himself. There were murmurs in the hallway, most of them praising how good he looks, and some commenting on why he was following her.

"Ano, here it is," she said, gesturing to the class that he was assigned in. "Classes will start in a few minutes so I have to rush back, but if you're having troubles with direction or anything else, feel free to drop by at the council room. We'll be sure to help you out," she explained as she shot him a warm smile.

He beamed at her and bent down to come closer to her eye level. She subconsciously leaned away from him, surprised at the sudden invasion of space.

"Arigatou, Sayu-chan!" he smiled, his eyes turning into crescent moons.

She watched as he made his way inside the classroom, his bag swung over his shoulder.


* * *

She groaned in annoyance.

She really wasn't having it today. Her cramps were getting worst by the second and she wanted nothing more than to just lay in her cozy bed.

So when Akashi texted her to come to the gymnasium, she was quick to say no. Only when he mentioned Kotaro's mini birthday celebration did she actually rethought about staying back.

He bought red-velvet cupcakes; Akashi's text read.

She was suddenly interested upon the mention of her favourite cake flavour, and she thought it might be worth the hassle considering how she was having sweet-tooth cravings.

When she entered the gymnasium, she wasn't surprised to see Kotaro's face practically covered in icing. Every time each member had a birthday, the team made it a tradition to plant their face on their cake. Of course, they were yet to do it on their captain and she was still waiting for the day they gather the guts to do so.

She couldn't help but think about what a waste of good cake it was, but oh well, rich kids.

When Kotaro noticed her, he immediately ran to her, face still covered in icing. Sayuri slipped out of his way before he could even get to her, forcing him dramatically fall on his knees upon her rejection.

She gave him a quick greeting and joined the rest of the team, eyes searching for a certain red-haired boy.

"Looking for Sei-chan?"

She shot her attention at the long-haired boy and smiled, "Reo-senpai,"

"He's just outside, talking to a new recruit. He'll be here soon," he reassured. She nodded at him and went back to socialize with the rest of the boys.

A couple of minutes passed when the sound of the door being pushed open echoed through the gymnasium walls. She didn't bother to look up, assuming that it was probably just Akashi.

"Oh, captain! Come and get your cupcake before Hamazaki-chan eats them all," Kotaro joked, receiving a hit from the girl.

Much to everyone's surprise, a taller boy with muted-purple hair followed closely behind him.

She lifted her eyebrow upon noticing the familiar face.

"Hajimemashite! I'm Nakamura Kaito, and I'll be part of the first string basketball team as of today!" the boy said enthusiastically, bowing in 90 degrees to the rest of the team.

She watched as their eyes met, "Oh? Sayu-chan! You're here!"

The boys watched as she awkwardly waved her hands at him.

"You guys know each other?" Kotaro asked, mouth full of cupcake.

Kaito nodded repeatedly and shot her a grin, "She helped me find my class earlier!"

The boys erupted in 'ehhs' and 'ohhs' and she caught on Kotaro's "they just met but he already calls her Sayu-chan?!"

Amidst the chaos, she noticed Akashi standing quietly in a corner, clearly being overpowered by the newbie's presence.

She couldn't help but notice something different from his demeanour; it was as if he was lost in thought.

And then she realized. This was the first time Akashi took in a player without seeing him play with the team. The Uncrowned Kings were a different story, but Akashi hardly ever accepted club applications for the first string unless he was the one recruiting them.

Nakamura-kun must be really good then, she thought.

She pushed the thought away and skipped towards the red-haired boy.


"Tell the rest I'm heading home. Let's talk tomorrow,"

She watched as he walked quickly out of the gymnasium, leaving her in a daze.


I know guys I've been away for quite a long time. Exams are finally done! *happy dance*

Sorry for the bad chapter conclusion. My brain is literally blank right now. It's like the exams drained all my knowledge away lol.

I promise it'll get better :)

Hope you guys somehow enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading again <3

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