Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

The tensed atmosphere made her stomach tumble in circles. She absolutely had zero clue on what was going on. 

Her parents were acting suspicious, and a million thoughts raced in her mind.

Her mom instructed her to wait inside her dad's office for the time being, and she complied hesitantly, still unable to narrow down the reason behind such a formal conversation.

The last time this happened was back in middle school when her parents proposed the idea of ditching home-school and starting anew at a proper school. 

The office felt colder than usual as she paced around the spacious room in nervousness. Good news? Bad news? She really didn't know. But if this was another imposing request, maybe she'd consider running away from home. 

Pfft, as if.

Sweat trickled down her forehead as she fidgets with her fingers. The sound of heels clicking on marble floors could be heard from inside of the door, making Sayuri even more uneasy. 

She took a deep breath and repeatedly chanted "It's all good" in her mind like a mantra. 

Her mother entered the room first, shortly followed by her father who swiftly sat down on the sofa situated infant of his desk. She sat down opposite her parents and cleared her throat. 

Her mom shot her a soft look.

"Uhh, so what did you want to talk about?" she questioned, adjusting her position on the seat.

"Well, honey, we're not sure how you're gonna react to this but what regardless of what we're about to say, please keep in mind that we only act in your best interest," her father replied.

Best interest? I've heard that before.

Sayuri let out a breathe she didn't know she was holding. 

She gave them a quick nod to continue. 

"You see, after a lot of consideration, your mother and I have decided on something," he started.

"You know that the company will be needing a successor after us, yes?" her father said.

She nodded. 

"The fact is, the company is big, and having one person in charge is not ideal. So, icking only one from either our family or the Akashi's is out of the question," he trailed on.

"Okay, so what are you trying to say? Isn't Seijuro succeeding the CEO position?" she said.

Her parents exchanged looks. 

And then it hit Sayuri.

"Ohhh. You want me to be the other one in charge. Right?" she asked, quite confident that this was what they meant to announce. 

She knew Akashi would be succeeding the company. After all, this conversation wasn't news to her after Akashi overheard his dad mention the future plan. Sayuri was the first person he told and she remembered the news being a huge deal for him.

But if they needed to have one person from each family to be in charge, that only meant that she would be the only other choice.

She would be lying if she said she liked the idea. Leadership isn't her forte, but of there was something she learnt growing up in her family, it was the fact that business is business. If that was her parents' wish, she had to comply. 

Huh, did they think I would the idea? 

She couldn't help but think that this was all just a misunderstanding.

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