Chapter Fifty-Nine: Flower City

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Tugging the sleeveless tunic over my head, I shoved my arms through and fixed the white fabric to sit on my hips. Raising my hands, I looked over my reflection as nimble fingers weaved little braids between wavy blue strands. Little pieces of silver flew from Cillian's coated axe's to form little charms that decorated the braids. Finishing, I held out a hand and twisted the rest of the silver coating into a perfect pair of waist chains. Locking them around my hips, I slipped on the sheath containing my swords and positioned it flat between my shoulder blades. Adjusting it, I gently pulled the diamond pendant out from underneath my tunic on it's new metal lined cord and smoothed out the straps of the sheath.

Reaching over to the chest, I plucked blue rings off the wood one at a time and slid them onto my fingers. The pale gold ring, molded into a braided pattern, that Arseniy had given me stood out among the royal blue jewelry. After twisting it around my thumb, I left it alone and decided to use the last of my metal to create forearm guards. I wasn't going to bother with a breast plate. The iron grappling hooks had pierced through it like paper and I doubted they'd use anything other than iron to bring me down. Not after they saw the effect it had on me.

Fluffing my hair with my ringed fingers, I gave myself a small smirk as I looked myself over, "Is it just me or do I really look this good all the time?"

"Whoever said God's lack humility obviously never met you." Dani called out from behind the privacy screen, sarcasm dripping from her tone.

Raising a hand, I flipped her off.

A snort echoed through the tent, "Very mature."

"Thank you." I replied, walking out to face her.

Yawning, she pushed the bowl of oats across the desk to the empty seat, "Sit. Eat."

"Lilly? You look different today." I mocked, taking the seat she offered.

Pink eyes rolled, "It's too early for your shit. The sun hasn't even risen."

"So, why are you here? You're not coming with us so you could have slept in."

Shifting down in her seat, she snuggled further into the fur she stole from the bed, "Cillian popped into our tent this morning, startled the shit out of Calvin and then ordered me to come here with oatmeal. I'm supposed to make sure you eat before you guys leave, although I don't know why he didn't do it. Didn't he sleep here last night?"

"Divines, Dani! What kind of lady do you take me for? He went to his own tent last night."

One of her eyes, that had slid shut while talking, cracked open, "What are you going on about?"

"Just practicing for when I'm with the flower people." I shrugged, taking a bite of the bland oats. "And he couldn't do it because he went to get Fitzgerald."

"What do you mean he went to get Fitzgerald? Fitzgerald Ó Maoilriain?"

"He really doesn't deserve the prestige of being referred to by his whole name."

"Macha," She gasped, "You can't bring a criminal to the Seelie Kingdom, to meet Oberon."

Laughing, I kicked my legs up on the corner of the desk, "Uh, are you forgetting that I'm a criminal? These pretty tattoos aren't just for decoration, Babes. I'm still wanted by half the realm."

"Huh. I did kind of forget you're a felon." She responded with a slow blink. "So, why are you bringing the Dwarf? For amusement or an actual reason?"

Shoveling a spoonful of oatmeal into my mouth, I chewed and swallowed before answering, "Both, but I need a temporary representative for the smaller Faekind."

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