Chapter Four: Nostalgic Overload

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As soon as the moon sat high in the sky, I sprung from the bed and started getting ready. Tugging on my pants, I buttoned them up before stuffing my feet into the shoes resting at the end of the bed. Shrugging on the black tunic I snagged from the chest, the braids I added to my royal blue hair slid over my shoulders as I laced up my leather boots. With one last tug on the laces, I stood to my full height and pulled my hair up into a high ponytail. A metal ring slithered from my finger to twist itself into a thin band before wrapping around the hair to hold it in place.

Once breakfast had finished, we stayed to talk about the less important things that I needed to know. Like which nobles fell out of favor with Mab and who made a strong political mating with who, which were rare these days but did still happen among the nobles. The day passed by in a blur of things I could've gone without knowing but was arguably better that I did. And before we knew it, we were parting ways after dinner to sleep in preparation for the long day tomorrow promised to be.

But I had laid awake instead, staring up at the ceiling until the walls seemed to breathe and press in around me. Everytime I'd fallen into a light sleep the image of iron cuffs and cells were waiting. So, I kept my eyes peeled and was distantly aware that paranoia had begun to seep into my thoughts the longer I stayed awake. Did Puck tell Dougal we were coming? What if they were already hatching a plan to capture me as soon as we traveled there? No, no. I couldn't let that happen. So, I made a half baked plan that had me jumping from my bed with more energy than I knew I had the moment the moon was high.

Shrugging the double sword sheath to rest in the middle of my back, I held my hands out palms up and willed the metal to reshape into my swords. It was only a few seconds before the comforting weight of them rested in each hand. Waist chains settled against my hips with another thought as I placed my swords into the sheaths. The handles poked up over my shoulders but that was okay, subtlety wasn't needed. Leaving the black cloak on the end of bed, I pranced from the room and down the hall until I reached number five.

Smirking, I stared down at the doorknob until a faint clicking sound hit my ears. The door silently swung open at my willed command and closed after I stepped completely into the room. Sheets swished as the person on the large bed twisted to lay on their back. So without a second thought, I took two leaps towards the bed before launching myself at the sleeping person. My knees had just hit the mattress on either side of her hips when pink eyes shot open and a shift in the air was the only warning I received. My back had barely hit her knees when a sharp rush of air surged over my body and cut the bedposts in half with a harsh crack.

I laughed at the sound of splintering wood and Dani's shouts filling the air, "Are you insane? I almost chopped your fucking head off."

Still laughing, I arched my back until I was sitting straight, "Good thing I'm fast then."

"And surprisingly flexible. When did that happen?" She asked, once her breathing evened out.

Shrugging, I said, "Not a lot to do in prison for fun." Learning how to flip over rails and bend over bars had been my one real source of entertainment. Well, that and starting riots.

"That's not really an answer."

"No it isn't, is it?" I grinned.

"Why are you here?"

"It's time to go. Get up." I said, tipping to my side and rolling off the bed.

Propping herself up on her elbows, she arched a pink brow,"Go? Go where?"

"To meet Dougal."

Dani shook her head, "No way it's morning already."

"Correct. It's still nighttime and we're going now." I said, waving a hand in a hurry up motion.

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