Chapter Forty-One: Family Disputes

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~Cillian's P.O.V.~

With my bag rhythmically thumping against my thigh, I strode through the purple tented camp with my shoulders back and my head held high. Ignoring the nods of respect from the soldiers I passed, I walked straight into the compound without being stopped. Though that was probably because of the face I was making, my jaw actually hurt with how tightly my teeth were clenched together. At this hour, I was mildly surprised to see servants rushing about carrying trays and chests overflowing with scrolls. Although after what turned out to be an absolute slaughter earlier in the night, the Generals must be scrambling to figure out who's to blame for their failure on the battlefield.

Boots clipping sharply over the stone, I made it into my office in record time and threw my bag behind the desk before noticing a stark white letter sitting innocently atop my books. My full name was written in dark purple ink that swirled in a deceivingly feminine way. Reaching out, I gently plucked the letter off the book and turned it over to peel the purple wax seal off. Unfolding the crisp paper, I ran my gaze over the short life threatening sentences, No more vacations. The next battle can not go the same way. Fix it, Commander. Or I will come down and fix it myself. ~Mab

Crushing the letter in my fist, I slammed it against the desk before exiting my office with a slam of the door. She already knew. Divines damnit. The last thing I needed right now was to have Mab come down here and start 'cleaning house'. Which basically meant that anyone who gave her an off feeling or so much as looked at her without permission would die. While it would help Macha in the long run if Mab depleted her own forces, the last thing I needed was for Mab to speak with the Generals personally. The small but extremely beneficial modifications I had made to the Generals search plans and soon to be battle plans could come up. It was unlikely but I couldn't take that chance. Not when I was weeks away from getting my hands on the war plans.

A brownie pressed himself against the wall as I stomped by, lost in my thoughts. I was surrounded by idiots and soon to be legendary Fae, there was no in between and it was annoying as hell. Especially, because the idiots either seemed to be in my family or below me in rank. If they fucked up, I took the hit. And if I fucked up, they took the hit. We were in this together yet somehow they just continued to fuck up. Lips curling into a snarl at the thought of my little brother, I practically slammed through the door of the conference room.

The Generals, who could be heard yelling at each other from out in the hall, immediately jerked back from the table they had been yelling across. Straightening up, they stood stiffly with their eyes on me before practically breaking their necks to bow in respect. Flinging the door shut behind me with a hard snap, I pulled an axe from over my shoulder and slammed it right into the table. Wood splintered and cracked from the force of the hit seconds before the entire table broke straight down the middle. The small group of men jumped back as both halves of the table smacked the floor inches away from their leather boots.

Letting my axe hang at my side, I gave them hard look, "I leave for two weeks and you fucking imbeciles lose the first battle against our enemy."

"Commander, if I could-"

Snapping my eyes to a pair of black ones, I barked, "Did I give you permission to speak?"

"No, Sir."

"Then why are you speaking, General?" Not waiting for a response, I looked over at the others, "General Liam, tell me what went wrong."

The Senior General stepped forward and answered briskly, "Everything was going perfectly, Commander. We deployed the troops before sunrise and attacked a little after day break. From what we understand, the troop made it to the mid-city point when enemy troops suddenly attacked. We suffered mass casualties with no survivors."

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