Chapter Twenty-Five: Answers At Last

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~Cillian's P.O.V.~

Everyone inside the tent held their breath and waited for Macha to do or say something, anything. But the tall female just stood there frozen in place and blinking at my father in an increasingly concerning way. Gazing at the rest of the men in the room, I caught the oblivious grin Puck was sporting and the growing judgment on the so called Generals. The shit haired male was looking at Macha as if she was going to attack us at any moment.

Lip raising at the face he was making, I turned back to lock eyes on my father. I ordered you not to bring about her breakdown, Father.

And I didn't. She asked me, Son. We couldn't lie to her forever. He replied, gray eyes sliding to meet mine for a split second.

No, but you could have stalled her. We've barely started making progress, this could set her back completely.

Then it will have all worked out.

Brows furrowed, I snapped, No. It wouldn't have. She's not ready, don't you care at all that she could lose her soul?

She won't.

You. Don't. Know. That.

Loud peels of laughter interrupted our mental conversation and drew all attention back to Macha. Long blue hair swayed as she bent forward slightly with a hand pressed against her chest at the force of her laughter. Slapping her hand against the desk in time with her laughs, she leaned back and released a long choppy sigh. Sparkling blue eyes flashed around the room to catch our expressions before she started laughing all over again.


At the sound of my father's voice, she started laughing harder than I would've thought possible. Tears streaked down her face as she finally calmed down enough to take gasping breaths of air. Placing a hand on the back of Pucks chair, she leaned over it while her shoulders shook in silent guwaffs. Concerned at her reaction, I took a hesitant step forward just as she wiped her eyes and straightened up.

She glanced at our faces once more before setting her amused gaze on my Father, "That is literally, thee most cringiest clichè bullshit I have ever heard."

Father shook his head in disappointment, "It's the truth, Macha. This is what everything has been about."

"Are you seriously standing there trying to tell me that I'm a God?"

"No." Father replied, giving her just enough time to relax before continuing, "You're a Demi-Goddess but to our people, yes. You'd be a Goddess."

Blinking rapidly, Macha nodded slowly while sidestepping over to me. The second our arms touched, she leaned in close to whisper, "Cillian, on a scale of Afric to batshit insane is your father?"

"He's not insane, Cell Bait. This is what we've been keeping from you. What I didn't want to tell you yet, for this exact reason." I responded, trying to fight down a laugh.

She took a step back and ran a hand through her blue locks, "And all of you believe that I'm a God- Sorry, Demi-Goddess. Why, exactly?"

"Because of who your father is." Puck said, giving Macha a bright smile. "Oh! And the Prophecy, of course."

As annoyance rolled through me at the way he so casually announced that, Macha's face scrunched up in confusion. Her blue eyes shot to mine and then my fathers, "My father? My father's a nobody, just some male who knocked up Mab and then disappeared. I'm reasonably sure that she had him killed too."

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