Chapter Sixty-Eight: Guy Talk

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~Cillian's P.O.V.~

A sharp wind cut over my exposed skin as I stepped into the clearing with the familiar cabin sitting at its center. Boots crunching over the snow, I raised a hand in greeting to the neon green sweater clad male. Propping the axe up against his shoulder, black brows pulled together slightly in what was no doubt confusion while he awkwardly raised a hand back. I hadn't been planning on coming to the human realm but when I heard it was my troops' turn for some rest, I just found myself here. Well, that wasn't exactly true. I'd been feeling a sense of urgency to put a name on what I felt for Macha.

With me busy hunting down what was left of Mab's soldiers and her getting familiar with her Queenly duties plus the time she was unconscious, we haven't seen each other all week. It also didn't help that our temporary connection had ended in the middle of the war so we couldn't speak mentally. All of that together made me want to be able to see her for the first time in a week with some kind of declaration. She'd been able to express her feelings to me by calling me her sanity. The least I could do to make sure she knew I'd been thinking about her was to come back and express myself. Which was the real reason I was here, to talk to the one person that I thought could help me.

"Hey. Cillian, right? Macha told me a bit about you."

Gripping his extended hand, I gave it a firm shake, "Probably all bad things, I'm guessing."

"She was colorful in her description." He chuckled, releasing my hand. "I'm Ryan, Kaiya's mate."

"Nice to officially meet you. I know the last time...I don't come off the friendliest."

He waved me off with a snort, "Don't worry about it, neither does my mate. What can I do for you? Is Macha alright? Do you need Kai for something? She's out on patrol but I can link her partner if you need her."

"Macha's fine. I'm here to talk to you, actually."

"Me?" He blinked in surprise. "Uh, sure. What about?"

I rolled my shoulders a bit before stating, "Feelings."

"I'm sorry, did you say...Feelings?"


Ryan rubbed a hand over his mouth to stifle his grin, "This wouldn't be about a certain blue haired female, would it?"

"Otherwise known as a beautiful pain in my ass, yeah." I replied.

Laughing, he slammed the axe into the stump, "Yes! I knew it! I knew you two would get together! I saw the chemistry between you guys the first time I saw you. Oh, I have to tell Kai. She thought I was crazy for shipping you two together! Ha! My poor Buttercup. She's still so clueless about these things. I've been trying to-"

I cleared my throat to cut him off because something told me he could go on for days.

"Right, Right. Feelings. How can I help?"

"I can't identify them."

Brown eyes with a quarter of bright red scanned over me, "Shouldn't you be able to read people? Isn't that part of your job as a...a warrior? Soldier? Supernatural Bounty Hunter? Hit Man? Assassin? I'm sorry, I have no idea what you do."

"I'm the Commander of Macha's armies and King of the Realm."

"King of the Realm? Like the whole realm? Realm as in the world realm?" He blurted out. "You're a King?"

I tilted my head, didn't Macha tell them all this? "Yes. We seized Mab's Kingdom and then Macha killed her. With Macha being a Divine it's only right that-"

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