Chapter Thirty-Five: Deals, Deals, Deals!

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After a brief stop at a tavern to wash up and change, the sight of blood drew a surprising amount of attention, we were slowly making our way through the crowded streets below the MacDuffy's Estate. Fae seemed to clog the road as they fought to get a look at us passing by. It was a major change from the last two cities we had visited but perhaps whispers of the war had turned into screams.

Cillian had heard from his sister that Afric convinced four more Banshee Dens to join us, apparently they loved the idea of having a Queen who experienced death. And when they heard about my most recent fling with the underworld they had a party in joy. The Death God they're calling me, I snorted. By the time this was over, I was going to have ten different names.

Eyes rolling over the crowd, I took in the differing looks among the Fae. Some were in awe but others held anxiety and fear in their eyes that I couldn't fault them for. I was going to be calling their families to fight and probably die for the chance of ripping Mab off the throne. And I'm sure the fact that I failed once before was giving them less than optimistic hopes this time around. I could only hope that news of me being a Divine would boost their confidence in me.

With every step the Kelpie took, Cillian and I had been rubbing up against each other for the past few hours. The worst of my dizziness from the bloodlost was over but he had refused to let me ride my own Kelpie. I could tell that I had scared him and I was willing to allow him to act like this up until we entered the MacDuffy's Estate. I hadn't been exaggerating when I told him that the MacDuffy's wouldn't even talk about joining my side if they thought I was with someone. The possibility of me joining their relationship would gain us entry and their ear. From there though, the real games would begin.

Chattering from the crowd lessened as we rode up to the thick black bars fencing in the Estate on all sides. Soldiers in dark green tunics with brown leaves swirling across the front yanked the gates open to let us pass through. The instant Cillian's Kelpie stepped into the Estates courtyard the atmosphere changed. Cold and misty morning air turned into a humid heat that was starting to make me wish I'd worn a sleeveless tunic.

Thick green grass muffled the clop of the Kelpies hooves as we moved further into the courtyard. Unlike the other Estates, this one was more modern and resembled large houses found in the human realm. Large stone pillars lined the front porch with long rectangular windows placed strategically between them. It wasn't long after we stopped that the owners of the house came waltzing out with bright smiles.

Countess MacDuffy had her long light brown hair pulled up into a messy bun that drew attention to her unnaturally wide emerald eyes. More conservatively dressed for a Nymph, the sundress she wore made out of orange brown leaves stopped at mid thigh. Her mate, a few inches taller than her five five height, wore a pair of tight leather pants and a loose cotton shirt. Together they looked like they belonged on the cover of one of those smutty romance novels. Especially, with the way he had pulled his dark green hair back into a low ponytail.

Giving them a smile, I turned my head to the right to hide the words I murmured to Cillian, "Do not. Fuck this up, Lilly. Follow my lead."

He didn't reply of course, but I took the brush of his hand over my thigh as he dropped the reins to be an agreement.

I waited for him to dismount first before throwing my leg over and dropping to the ground. Tugging my sleeves up to my elbows, I walked around and towards the MacDuffy's with a smile. Sorcha bounded down the porch steps and then raced across the grass to me with a squeal. Don't do it. Don't do it, I thought watching her bare feet practically fly over the grass. But she did, she did do it.

She was two steps away when she launched herself at me, arms and legs folding around me in a tight hold. With her entire curvy little body molded against mine, I winced internally from the way her chest crushed my freshly healed one. The warm heat of arousal pumped through my veins where her skin touched mine, her allure working hard to tear apart my resistance. Giving her a couple pats on the back with a fake laugh, I turned my head in time to avoid a kiss on the lips.

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