Chapter Thirty-Nine: Retaliation

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"Is there a reason you're looking at me like that?"

"You know why."

Scraping the sides of the bowl for any traces of oatmeal, I shook my head, "I didn't do anything to you."

"Oh, you didn't do anything to me? I thought we were best friends."

"We are."

"Then why," Dani exclaimed, slapping her hands against the wood. "Did I have to find out you and Cillian were fucking, by catching you sneaking out of his tent this morning?"

Snorting, I kicked my feet up onto the desk, "I didn't sneak out of his tent. I waved at you."

"Same thing."

"No. It's really not."

Throwing her hands in the air, she slumped back against the chair, "What the hell happened? Last time we talked you were alright with him and then you go on this week and a half long trip and...what? You're suddenly in love?"

Taken off guard, I slammed a fist against my chest as I started choking. Hacking up the little piece of oatmeal, I panted, "Love? We've slept together, sure. Do we like each other, I'm...pretty sure. Do we trust each other, yes. But love? Gah."

"Then what's that?"

Confused, I looked down and then around me, "What's what?"

Pointing a finger at my chest, she gave me an unamused look, "That gigantic ass diamond that screams 'I'm special to someone' hanging around your neck."

Grinning, I lifted it with the back of my hand so she could see it better, "Isn't it gorgeous? Lilly bought it for me."

Gorgeous....Why did that feel so familiar? Like I had said or someone else said something similar...Gorgeous? A faint feeling of deja vu tickled the edges of my mind but I couldn't quite grasp it...

"Are you listening to me?"

"Huh?" Shaking my head clear, I locked eyes with narrowed pink ones, "Sorry, I had the most random sense of deja vu."

"I was saying that I was happy for you both. You and Cillian, whatever you're doing, you look happy."

Tipping my head, I tapped the spoon against the bowl with a smile, "Yeah, I am. Can't speak for him though."

"Oh, shut up." She laughed. "Bria said she heard you guys laughing last night. I mean, I can't even imagine Cillian laughing."

"Aren't Bria and Puck dating? Why is that girl always nearby at night?"

Dani shook her head, sending pink curls bouncing, "They're dating but their relationship isn't sexual. It's all about the emotional intimacy for them."

I huffed before nodding, "I could see that."

"So, back to you and Cillian....What's he like?"

"Oh no. Go get your thrills somewhere else."

Pouting, she drummed her hands against the table, "Come on! Throw a mated woman a bone."

"Isn't that your husband's job?" I replied, blandly.

Dani opened her mouth to respond when a shriek of surprise came out instead.

Jumping back and out of my chair, I had a sword pulled and pointed up at the person who had just traveled on top of my desk in a matter of seconds. Grabbing their ankle, I gave it a harsh tug that had their back slamming into the desk and drove my sword down towards their chest.

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