Chapter Ten: Unstable

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~Cillian's P.O.V.~

The dining hall was in full swing by the time I arrived. Uniformed Fae criss-crossed between aisles of metal tables looking for a spot to relax and socialize. The low hums of conversation were almost too much for my ears after spending most of my day alone. I'd gone over every detail of the search plans that the generals had sent me for revision before sending them off to Mab. It was how our chain of command worked and it was the perfect position for a traitor like me to be in. If questionable changes were made, Mab ordered me to speak with the generals on her behalf. If the generals suspected anything they kept their mouths shut because they were too afraid to question Mab's decisions.

One of the newest orders Mab had given out was that Macha needed to be found immediately. We'd already been searching for her as soon as she escaped Slykhelm but things had become more urgent. Mab was becoming increasingly enraged everyday that Macha wasn't found. Which meant small factions of soldiers were being sent out to different places around the realm to search for her. So, Mab's once under the radar searches were about to become public knowledge. I needed to tell my father of the changes in Mab's tactics as soon as possible, along with the locations the soldiers were going to be searching first.

Something I had wanted to do as soon as possible but if I missed dinner my team would notice. After Macha had killed the entire elite guard besides me, I had hand picked a group of highly skilled men and women to replace them. The initial thought had been that after a few centuries, I could start flipping them one by one. But it was obvious to me now, that either they were all very good liars or they would always remain loyal to Mab. A shame really but not a major problem, now I knew who to kill on my way out of Mab's army.

Lowly ranked soldiers shuffled out of the way as I passed making it easier for me to reach the food line. Cutting to the front, I grabbed a plate of pasta smothered in green kili sauce and an unsugared ale. I couldn't afford to have my senses dulled, not when I was this deep in enemy territory. Unfortunately, Baris didn't feel the same need to be responsible. Forcing my features to remain cool and detached, I gazed over the scene before me.

The idiot was currently engrossed in conversation with a pretty pale skinned female. It wasn't that he was having a bit of fun that was annoying me, it was the fact that I had seen him with this redhead more than once. Father and I had both stressed the importance of not making any attachments during our time here. But like always, Baris decided he knew best and continued to do what he wanted to do. They flashed tender smiles at each other as they ate and laughed when Baris accidentally spit food at her.

How anyone could think that repulsive show was cute, was beyond my understanding. Perhaps it was something only the idiotic understood. Why couldn't he be more like Bria? With her I never had to worry about what secrets she may be spilling to a bedmate.

Looking away, I continued towards my table and took a seat across from Hamish. The orange haired male was our team's master archerer and the one I disliked the least. He was quiet and kept mostly to himself but was actually good company. Out of everyone, he was the one I really wanted to flip onto Macha's side. Not just for his skill set but because Hamish would have been an excellent shadow. Someone to keep a close eye on Macha and keep her out of trouble when I couldn't.


I nodded in response, looking around the empty table. "Where are the others?"

"Left already. Wanted to hit the taverns early since we have a free day tomorrow."

What a waste of time this is then. "You didn't go with them?"

Orange eyes glanced up at me from his slouched position, "Why would I?"

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