Chapter Thirty-One: The Dinner Party Pt.2

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Rolling my eyes at the now empty hall, I stepped forward and twisted the knob to my temporary bedroom. Walking over the threshold, I took a quick look around the earth toned furniture and bedspread. My bag hit the bed with a bounce as footsteps echoed out behind me followed by the snap of the door swinging closed.

"Hey. Watch it, I got important shit in there."

"Like what?" Lilly rasped out, his voice barely above a whisper.

I smirked as I headed to the tall wooden dresser on my left, "Like my very mentionable unmentionables."

His low chuckle had my chest warming the tiniest of degrees but it quickly went cold in terror when I opened the dressers doors. There. Hanging smack in the middle of the almost entirely empty dresser, hung thee most atrocious dress of all time. A pure white monstrosity with bows and lace of pink, black and purple. Slack jawed, I gazed at the puff sleeves and wide hoop skirt bottom.

"Who do these people think I am?" I asked, aghast. "A demented Little Bo-peep?"


"Exactly! Who the fuck thinks I'd actually wear this?"

The wood creaked as Cillian moved closer, "What's wrong with it?"

"You're not serious." I scowled, looking over my shoulder at him.

His broad shoulders shrugged, causing his cloak to flutter softly, "It's a dress. You only have to wear it for a few hours."

"Do you not understand the severity of our situation right now?" I demanded, spinning around to face him. "Cillian, I would rather die than wear that dress."

"You're being dramatic."

Brows raised to my hairline, I cocked my head, "Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like to wear it?"

Shaking his head, he pushed past me to pull the dress free of the dresser. Twisting it in his grip, he looked at it from all angles, "Maybe you could take a few bows off?"

"Or just burn it in the fiery pits of hell where it belongs."

With an unamused stare, he asked, "Seriously, Macha what's wrong with it?"

"Well, for starters. It's four different colors, covered in bows and lace." And I should have known that would mean nothing to him.


Squeezing my eyes shut, I popped them back open and spoke calmly, "Cillian. My entire body is a mix of brown, silver and royal blue. Do you honestly think that dress will look good on me?"

He paused for a moment before holding the dress up underneath my chin. Through his mask, I could see his eyes squint, "Oh."

"Yea. Oh." I snorted.

Yanking the dress from his hands, I tossed it onto the bed and sneered when the hoop skirt stayed upright. Ugh, I know some Fae enjoyed the old human eras of fashion but the Victorian era with the hoop skirt? Aoife had worn a Victorian dress but skipped the hoop skirt like any normal Fae. But the Murphy's and O'Sullivan's weren't normal, they were snobs...

"Your cackling."

Blinking, I turned to Cillian, "Was I?"

His body heaved in a huge sigh before heading to the only door on the right wall, "I'll be back in twenty minutes."

Waving him off, I stared at the hideous dress in front of me with a growing smile. Slapping a hand over the closest bow, I clenched my fist and ripped it off with a laugh. Using both hands, I pulled, ripped and sliced away the more eye burning pieces of the dress. I shredded the layers until I came across something that didn't make me want to drink iron.

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