Chapter Twenty-Six: Pure Insanity

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They were joking. They had to be.

They wanted me to take on the power of a God? A God? Didn't they learn anything the last time I held power? I mean, I was doing a better job now but that was only because I knew what I was in for. I was conscious of the mistakes that I had made in the past and I wasn't about to repeat them but...That much power humming underneath my skin, it would be...intoxicating, consuming.

Pressing a hand to my aching chest, I focused on the grass tickling my bare feet as I paced. Fuck this. If it wasn't one thing threatening to pull me under it was another. Of course, though. Of course, my father had to be a Divine. He couldn't have been a blacksmith or some lowborn asshole. Noooooo, he had to be a God and leave behind some screwed up destiny or legacy or whatever the fuck to his equally screwed up daughter.

Gritting my teeth, I raised my clenched fists to my face before flinging them back down, "Even unknowingly, that bitch is STLL fucking me over!"

A rumble vibrated the ground seconds before a sharp crack snapped over the clearing and the ground on either side of me split wide open. Ignoring it, I sped up my pacing between the foot wide cracks in the earth. At the end of the day, it didn't even matter what I wanted. It never did. Like Cillian pointed out, the transformation could be triggered by anything at any time. But I wouldn't take the power like the Prophecy declared, I'd let my soul burn first. The only problem was I wouldn't die and everything holding me back like a conscience and morals would.

My father's message for me at the bottom of the scroll hadn't offered a third option either. Just to make sure I didn't miss anything when I skimmed it, I ripped open the skin scroll and read it again.


If you're reading this, I'm dead and Dougal has done what needed to be done. I am the Great Divine Liar Malachy and you're my daughter. I'm sorry for what you've gone through at the hands of your mother. If I could have stopped it without changing the course of time, I would have. But everything you've gone through has been building up to this point in time. You're a Divine, babygirl. The last living, breathing God. (Don't let anyone try to sell you on that Demi-god or Goddess bullshit. You're my daughter, you're a God.) There will come a moment that will trigger your transformation. Each Divine transforms differently. Some feel unexplainable euphoria...while others come out bloody and swearing. It's important that you have someone you trust at your side at all times, who can protect you through the process. Reality will disappear during the transformation but all you need to do is accept it. Accept the power or doubt yourself and burn your soul, Macha. You've spent the majority of your life in chains. But with this amount of power or without a conscience, no one will ever be able to put you in chains again. I've seen both possibilities and someone will always love you either way, as will I. Burn them all or save them, the choice is yours but don't ever let them put you in chains again. I'll be watching from the stars.

Love, Malachy. (Your father.)

P.S. I'm a known liar and I adore lying but this is by far the most truthful I have ever been. (It kind of hurt.) Also, I vote for burning at least half of the realm. Your mother's half.

Snorting, I rolled it back up and stuffed it in the waistband of my loose pants. Yup. There was no way out unless the transformation was never triggered but that was too unpredictable and I've never been that lucky. To burn the world or save it, funny how he didn't put that in his little Prophecy. He also didn't mention how I wasn't fit to have that much power. Why was that not registering in peoples heads?

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