Chapter Forty: Launch Me

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At the sound of the gates creaking open behind me, I turned around and led the charge down the Main Street of the city to meet the surprised enemy soldiers head on. Ten feet away they raised their shields and formed a barricade as their archers rushed to the houses for cover. Mab's soldiers looked on with stone faces while the distance between us grew smaller and smaller. Their expressions changed though when our attack began to take on a more strategic approach.

Laughing, I crashed through their front line with the Trolls at my sides. Metal screeched against metal as my breastplate made contact with a female soldier's shield. Red and orange flames reflected in her eyes moments before I slammed a sword straight through the front of her neck with a sizzling sound. Yanking it free, I briefly watched the flaming head roll across the mud and then lunged towards my next victim.

Ducking beneath the swing of an axe aimed at the side of my head, I slashed up across the males chest and hacked off his weapon's arm. The black haired male swayed slightly from the sight of his shoulder squirting out blood in intervals before he finally fell. Pushing the hair that escaped my braid off my face with a muddy arm, I casted a squinted look around the battlefield. Trolls ripped apart and smashed Mab's soldiers into the battlefield while wailing Banshees yanked the purple tunic'd Fae into the shadows.

The other Fae members of my troops were going head to head with the others despite the howling wind and rain. In fact, I noticed most of the water and wind ability fae doing their best to direct the harsh weather at the enemy. Bodies splashed with mud and blood made identifying anybody by hair color difficult. But even so, nobody was cutting into their fellow soldiers which I counted as a win. Mab's troops were beginning to thin and I was beginning to get bored when I spotted them.

Two male Fae in purple tunics with identical mud caked features hacked into and tossed my soldiers around like rag dolls. The twin soldiers towered over the Faekind attacking them and I just knew they had to have some kind of giant blood in them. A sudden weight against my back had me stumbling forward until I pushed back and spun around. Catching the blue tunic'd body, I snapped my head up in time to see a yellow short sword speeding towards her heart.

Using the forearm guard, I blocked the blow and shot a blue spike straight through his forehead. Not waiting to see the body drop, I righted the female in my arms to a standing position and wiped the mud from her eyes. Dull features. She was young. Concerned at the dazed look her eyes held, I gave her a sharp slap, "Hey! Babes, you alright?"

Nodding rapidly, her sky blue eyes blinked as they took me in, "Yes, My Queen!"

Eyeing the fighting pairs in clumps around us, I gave her a hard shake, "Are you sure? Go back to the Estate! We're almost done here!"

"I can't leave my fellow bananas, My Queen!" She screamed over the wind, eyes glazing over mid sentence.

Shit, concussion. Gripping her tunic tightly, I took a closer look at my soldiers fighting around me and saw the fighting had decreased significantly in the last few minutes. A few of my soldiers had even gotten up onto the buildings to shoot down the enemy soldiers trying to travel out. The only soldiers giving us any actual trouble now were the twins and I had every intention of bringing them down.

A flash of metal from the corner of my eye had me throwing up a sword to block us from whatever weapon was being swung our way. Vibrations ran up my arm as metal clashed against metal and something made an extra pinging sound. An iron arrow fell to the mud with a squelch from where it bounced off the crossed blue and silver metal.

Eyes sliding up, I shot male's soaked and mud splattered form a grin, "You come here often, Babes? Or is today just my lucky day?"

Dropping his weapon, Lilly rolled his silver eyes and shouted back, "Sorry, I'm late! I'll explain later!"

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