Chapter 4: Meeting her boyfriend

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Every day should start their day with an encouraging attitude but Jennie never experienced that. It was not worth it in her life.

Today her plan was the same, go to her job, meet Chaeyoung, and then come back home. She got up from her bed and went to her bathroom, to fresh. She wore denim jeans with a plain white top.

She made herself a sandwich and a coffee, and look around the house, and sighed. Nothing was important here, no pictures or plants. Her life was dead or more like a wandering zombie. It was walking but not reacting.

She always had a fantasy of having a cute dog, a small cozy house near the countryside, a lovely backyard, and live her life with her love one but that doesn't seem to be happening any soon.


After finishing off her work in the restaurant, she was ready to go. While walking back she bumped into a guy. Her purse fell and the guy too. "Oh my god! I am so sorry." She exclaimed, feeling bad for her absent mind.

"No, it's okay I should have been cautious too." He spoke in a soft voice, her heartbeat increased and she finally saw his cute tiny face with chubby cheeks but a glint of a different emotion was in his eyes too.

"Here." He spoke giving her the purse and she took it, their hands brushed and her heartbeat raised at the touch, maybe because it was her first time being treated so kindly by a handsome guy.

"Babe?" Jennie's ears perked up, hearing the soft voice. She knew this voice too well. Both best friends were looking at each other and spoke together, "Chaeyoung?" "Unnie?"

This time the guy's eyes widened. Chaeyoung quickly hugged Jennie and smiled knowing it was a perfect time that she met Jennie.

"Unnie, meet my boyfriend Jimin!"

The couple awkwardly sat as Jennie studied them. "So, do you love Chaeyoung?" Jennie asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Unnie?!" Chaeyoung shouted, not excepting her to directly jump into such a serious question.

"Yeah, I love her more than anything," Jimin answered sincerely. Jennie smiled and spoke, "What do you do for a living?" Jimin do was anxious but he was part of the Mafia, he knew how to lie.

"I am a government agent, I catch the people who do illegal works." He said, opposite what he do but Jennie was impressed.

"So, you catch mafia peoples? And that's why you don't show your face?" Jennie asked, truly unknown for the fact that she was talking with one now. Jimin nodded.

"That's great, those people are nasty and dangerous," Jennie said and Jimin nervously smiled. They all talked to each other until Jimin needed to go to his work. So, they bid goodbye and Jennie's eyes soften on how they both kissed each other, with sparkling eyes.


Jennie finally went back to her house and sighed looking at the empty place, she decided to loosen a bit and took out a bottle of beer from her fridge. She opened the bottle and chugged down two glasses just in a minute.

Her tears fell from her eyes one by one, her life is just living hell for her. It's suffocating for her in this body, she wants to be free from her thoughts. It was so humiliating to not being able to speak her words freely.

Her phone dinged, indicating she got a message. Her blurry eyes squinted at first because of the sudden light but then regained her eyesight after rubbing it a bit. It was a text from an unknown number.

If you want your best friend Park Chaeyoung alive then come to the *** Street in ten minutes. Or else you will only find her body tomorrow.

She first slapped her face to make herself sober and make herself believe she wasn't seeing stuff and quickly ran towards the kitchen to drink a glass of water to regain her sense. After getting sober a bit, she breathed heavily once she knew it was a legit text.

She nervously sweats looking at the text for nearly 2 minutes and just prayed it wasn't real. But to her horror, it wasn't fading. Bad thoughts invaded her mind and she screamed holding her head.

She ran outside without caring about the cold wind. It was just her half selves top and shorts. She rapidly ran and her tears streamed down and it felt so cold, as she was running.

She breathed heavily as she reached the said area. Her heart raised so much that it hurts. "Chaeyoung?" The voice almost felt like a whisper as she was out of the air and panting heavily. She called out a few more times but got silence as an answer.

She heard some rustling sound and the horror in her eyes were visible. She spoke, "who is there?" But got nothing. "Who is there??" But again. Her heart was almost exploding out of her chest, the silence never felt so powerful until now.

Her vision blurred and her head started spinning as it experienced extreme pain. She holds her head and tried to turn around but failed as she collapsed on the ground. Her eyes felt heavy and she could see some figure above her but it was blurry.

She smiled as she thought she is finally going to die, her pain is going to end.

But little did she know, the pain was going worse from here...The last she heard before going completely unconscious was,

"We got a new girl."


Hey guys! Early update because I won't update tomorrow for some personal reason...but hope you understand!❤️

Hope you like the chapter♥
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