Chapter 10: Feeling something Inside

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Jennie's Pov

I am exhausted. These things happening in my life doesn't feel real. Getting purchased by a Mafia? That just doesn't fit right. Why does this feel like a movie? Why am I so stupid and easy to control?

And I? I couldn't even do this even legit? These emotions are just like a burden now, they are strangling me..does ending my life would have saved me? No, of course not. I just ask myself, why don't I have worth?

When did I start to feel that I was worthless? Oh, yeah since that time...


{ Flashback }

I was sitting at the cold bench in my favorite park, the park where my mom used to bring me all the time when she was free. We both had a great bonding, even though she didn't have time for me all the time she would always make it up by spending fun time with me.

Until he ruined it, not having a father did hurts sometimes but my mom was all I wanted. He just came and destroyed everything, I couldn't forgive him till now and never will.

My tears were just flowing down my face, my mom always told me to be a tough girl and I was but now, I am not anything without you mom. He killed my mother and acted like a complete sympathetic person, but I knew it all but still doesn't did anything because revenge doesn't work like that.

I know how will I destroy your life...

{ 1 year later }

I was happily waiting for the guy I love, Simon. He is just an amazing guy I would look for. Handsome, kind, and a gentleman. We both met at the restaurant I was working in.

But as time pass by, he changed. He began to treat me like his servant. He became demanding and rude, much worse he would physically abuse me. The real reason why I hate violence was him.

He would slap me when I didn't agree with him. But I never let him kiss me, I did get a lot of slaps and abuse but I knew I didn't want it. It didn't bother him much as he would always go to clubs and have sex with other girls.

Me being the foolish girl still loved him. He would always tell me how useless I was. He told me the truth that I wasn't beautiful, cute neither had a good body that will attract him.

Our breakup happened when one day he tried to have sex with me, forcefully. He ripped my clothes and tried to kiss me but maybe the first time in life, I kicked him in the stomach and ran away.

Sure he followed me but I immediately went to our old lady neighbor, who called the police and arrested him.

{ End of Flashback }


But you know, some moments of your lives stay with you forever and that's what exactly happened to me.

I was worthless,

Though I never saw his face again, I remembered his words. I started to believe I was worthless, quit my dream to be a fashion designer as he told me I had a very bad taste in fashion, probably one of the reasons I don't wear pretty clothes anymore.

I wasn't beautiful,

I learned to never appreciate my looks and got jealous of the perfect girls. No makeup nor any beauty products, it was useless as they won't make me pretty anyway.


The thing I am still afraid of till death. If you want to control me, violence is the key. Also one of the reasons why I agreed being V's toy because I was scared as hell, he would kill me or lock me up like how Simon did.

Being Selfless,

I started to put myself aside and look after the people more. Chaeyoung was one of them, always solving her problems but never telling her mine. She doesn't even know about anything related to Simon nor my mother, I am such a bad friend.

These things made me so weak at a point that now I am tied around a stranger's hands, he could tell me to do anything and I am excepted to do that because I signed that contract, and for Chaeyoung's life too.

Though, he doesn't seem like a violent guy, I have no faith in him. He is a mafia man, it would be foolish to trust him.

He is my sex partner and I can't believe I agreed to that. The thirsty side of me surely is showing right now.

However, what I want to do should be done. V, he is guy who complimented me all night and surely has a captivating body.

I don't know if I agreed to it because of his looks or his skills but I am glad, he isn't forcing me to do stuff.

All I am curious about is the rules he was talking about. What exactly are those?

I really hope I get through everything without violence coming in my way.

Hey minies! This whole chapter is about Jennie's Pov and how she is feeling right now and something about her past on she became like this, so if last chapter was kinda unrealistic this is what I was trying to convey.

Anyways, hope you like it~
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