Chapter 41: Real Game

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Author's Pov

Jennie pressed the cold metal onto the man's head. His eyes were filled with tears that were going to fall any minute. He can't believe she will betray him, never but here she was pointing a gun at him.

"What are you doing, Jennie-ah?" Taehyung whispered, his voice was so weak that it felt like he was gonna break any minute now. She didn't move, her fingers on the trigger ready to pull and he would be dead, Taehyung would be dead.

The man, preferably Mr. Yang's son, who was older than Taehyung came towards Jennie and his father. He whispered something in Jennie's ear and she smirked, letting her hands fall.

"What happened?" Mr. Yang asked his son who seems to be tensed a bit. "Kims are here." Mr. Yang nervously gulped. The two younger ones smiled and in one swift move, the whole scenario was changed, a scene everyone imagined except for the old man.

Mr. Yang was forcefully tightened around the chair, Jennie's favorite gun pressed against his head. His son was tightening the rope while the other bodyguards help to make the old man sit still.

In this whole situation, the two were totally confused. Mr. Yang and Taehyung.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" Mr. Yang shouted, he was confused and angry. "Shhh, asshole," Jennie muttered rolling her eyes. Mr. Yang's son, Kai, undid Taehyung's rope.

He stood there totally confused on what the fuck was going here but he decided to not talk right now. The old man was still trying to break through the ropes which only angered Jennie and she slapped him making the old man stunned.

"Shut up, will you?!" Jennie shouted and massaged her temples, already frustrated. She pulled Taehyung away from his seat and hugged him. He was stunned by it but then he remembered she needs hugs to calm down.

But he didn't hug her back.

After calming her senses down by his scent she pulled out and looked at the old man, who was still fuming in anger. "What?!" She shouted as she saw him looking at her, angrily.

"Oh yeah, not expected right?" She smirked widely, not being able to control her happiness. "This was all your plan?" He asked making her stop and she chuckled before replying, "Yes."

"H-How?" He asked and her smile dropped, her real past spreading in her mind. She smiled and asked.

"Do you remember, Ye-jin?"

Mr. Yang's breath hitched, his eyes showed horror and fear. "Did you also remember what you did to her?" His body tensed up. "H-How do you k-know?" She chuckled dryly and explained.

"After you killed her you are asking me how do I know? Ha! Well, I am her daughter. Ye-jin's daughter." Her words screamed pain, Taehyung felt it.

"What did she ever did anything to you? The only thing she did was to warn your wife, Suzy that you are going to kill your son because you loved, Kai more and you didn't want another son! But weren't you the one who made your wife pregnant in the first place!

You could have just told her you don't want him! Why did you wanted to kill him and when aunt Suzy ran away from the house with Taehyung, alone and lived her life peacefully with us! Why did you kill her?!

Not only that YOU KILLED MY MOM?! She never did anything, if that night she hasn't told aunt Suzy to leave Taehyung at that carnival, he would have been dead too. Why did you kill your wife and my mom?! She was my only family!

And that's where everything started, my plan, my real game. To destroy you most painfully, to get your hopes up and then let you die. So, I joined your gang, and turns out that everyone here hated you so I convinced everyone to come to my side and they gladly did.

Even your own son that you loved. I trained myself to become the most skilled so I can go to your most important mission and I did. Yeah, I did all your work but not for you. And look here, you are the one who is going to die."

Taehyung's tears fall not only on him but other people who were also present in the room, most of them didn't know about her past. They just thought she was strong and didn't like Mr. Yang that's why she wanted to kill him but this was worse.

"W-What can you even do huh? Kims are outside! They will kill you not me!" Everyone laughed in the room, well except Taehyung. "We were lying asshole!" She said because Kims were never here, it was just to distract him that time.

"And Y-You?! You were my son! I did everything for you and yet you betrayed me with this bitch!" Mr. Yang shouted scolding his son, Kai but the said man just rolled his eyes and headed towards him.

"I wouldn't have betrayed you if you wouldn't have killed my mother! And tried to kill my brother too!" He shouted, yes he grew up with his dad all along but the memories of his sweet mother were always fresh in his mind.

She was too good for this man, a wholesome lovely lady who married him because he was the heir and girls were supposed to get married to the mafia heirs without their consent. They were like dolls.

Jennie wiped her tears and pointed the gun at Mr. Yang's head and smirked. "No-no don't kill me!" He pleaded to make Jennie laugh more. "Why would I?" She smiled and let the gun fall down on the floor.

She signaled everyone for something and all the guards and Kai were out of the room, Jennie looked at Taehyung while he was just stood there confused about everything but he knew that whatever she meant earlier wasn't her intention, or was they?

She pulled him outside that room ignoring Mr. Yang's continuous pleading to let him go and once they were out, she nodded finally giving the signal.

Hungry, merciless wild dogs were set free in the room and after that the only thing that could be heard was, dogs barking, Mr. Yang's painful cries, and skin tearing.

Hey, minies!

Now I hope you understand why Jennie did all of this and about the question if she loves Taehyung or not? You would know that eventually ;)

Anyways hope you liked the chapter~
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Love you all,

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