Chapter 26: With her?

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Author's Pov

Jennie did stop sobbing and agreed with Taehyung because she was trapped. Tangled in his love, touch, words, and care. Taehyung slowly and sneakingly pulled her back into the hall without anyone noticing and they both headed towards their table.

Stephanie was gracefully sitting there, practically flirting with Jimin. Such a slut. Jennie thought as she grasped her hands around Taehyung's arms, showing who he belonged to. Stephanie changed her attitude completely as she saw Taehyung, with a girl coming towards them.

He has to sit beside her though he didn't want to, Jennie also sat beside him, his arms still around her waist.

"So, V?" Stephanie started, how much she was despising the woman with Taehyung but couldn't afford to make a scene in front of so many people as she was scared of her father.

"Yeah." His cold voice boringly answered her and she seems to be annoyed at him.

"What's your real name?" Taehyung raised his eyebrows at her and smirked, "I won't tell my name to just anyone." Stephanie found herself utterly embarrassed so she engages herself in a different conversation with her mother.

"Then why did you tell me your real name?" Jennie's voice whispered through Taehyung's ears and God he was turned on by it. He looked down at her, her eyes fierce and demanding, he loved her ferocious side, it was his kink.

Through time he has been more and more attracted to Jennie, not just in a sexual way but her true self too which she showed to him.

Here Lisa was also engaged with Mr. Kim and Lee's talk, along with Jungkook, "Lisa holds the record of the best female assassin in the underground world." Mr. Kim proudly said to which she only smirked,

"She did, I have heard this year Mr. Yang's assassin is on the top."

Lisa clenched her fist, who could take her place? She preferably remembered that there was no opponent left in this race as she bet all of them easily, this new assassin must be good. She thought, she can't change it also so it's better if she accepts.

Jimin was sweating hard, his whole mind occupied with the thoughts of Jennie's words, I am not going to see Chaeyoung ever again? Will she hate me now? Of course, she will you dumbass! Why did I do that? I should've told her before, it would have been better. Oh god! What will I do now?!

The whole party went like this and Taehyung couldn't help but feel nervous about the next ritual, he hated it. Mafia people personally made this ritual to classify how much good their friendship was with each other and how much trust they put onto.

They all stood up and Stephanie along with her mother went away somewhere which didn't go unnoticed by Jennie. Guests were coming to again congratulate the Lee couple and slowly, all of them went. However, for some reason, Kim's were still there, for an important reason.

Jennie wanted to ask why weren't they going but decided that's definitely not a thing to ask after looking at Taehyung's serious face. He was clenching on her dress and she just couldn't grasp why. Soon enough, Stephanie along with her mom came, with a suitcase stumbling together.

The brunette furrowed her eyebrows looking at the suitcase and before she could process anything Mr. Lee spoke, "I hope our friendship gets even stronger by this ritual."

Ritual? What ritual? Jennie thought.

"Of course my friend, Your daughter is our responsibility now." Mr. Kim answered.

It took her a hot second to realize, Stephanie is going to live with them from now onwards, it was going to happen anyways but she thought it was after marriage.

Her knees went weak, she will no longer be needed here. Looking at Stephanie, she ain't a shy girl, she can snatch Taehyung from her in a snap.

And will she able to stop her, of course not. Stephanie is a confident girl opposite of Jennie, she can lure Taehyung with her hot body and according to Jennie, her body is completely worthless in front of her. She grasped onto Taehyung's arms tightly as she felt weakness.

They reached the car parking space and everyone started to go in the same car they came, and of course, Stephanie will be in the same car as Taehyung as she was his fiancée, oh how much Jennie hated this word. Taehyung was confused about what should he do especially after looking at Jennie's teary eyes.

He knew how emotional and over-thinker type of girl Jennie was, she was probably imagining something that ain't ever going to happen. He put Stephanie's suitcase in the back seat and stopped her as she was going inside the front seat.

Stephanie froze at the disrespect, she would sit at the backseat of her fiancée's car, hell no. "You can sit in the back seat." Taehyung ordered in a cold voice and she glared at Jennie after answering.

"Why? Then who will sit in the front? This girl?" She said pointing at Jennie.

"Yeah, any problem?" Stephanie decided not to say anything as she was still in his father's region she doesn't want to disappoint him, she stomped her heels on the ground and entered the back seat while Jennie smirked and kissed Taehyung cheeks, specifically to make the other girl more jealous.

Jennie sat on the front seat and buckled her seat belt while Taehyung was still frozen outside at Jennie's action, she can go from a shy, innocent girl to a fierce, aggressive kitten and he loved that a lot. The Duality, Taehyung thought and entered the car and started to drive after giving a glance to Jennie.

The whole ride he noticed both the girls either smirking or glaring at each other which confused him, why do girls talk like that? He thought to himself and sighed as he looks at now sleeping girls, Stephanie looked like a hippo sleeping while Jennie likes a cute cat. At least that's what he described them as.

"It's gonna be tough from now."

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