Chapter 23: Your touch

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Jennie's Pov

I was still excessively happy about the thing that V did to me, I know that maybe I wouldn't be able to be with him but till the time I am here, I want him. All of him. For the first time, I felt happy with a guy and for the first time, I wanna be selfish, to be with him.

My mind was still roaming around these thoughts when V returned, I sat down and looked at him.

He smiled and started to come towards me, I furrowed my eyebrows and sat there confused about why was he smiling? He sat down with me on the bed and I asked.

"Why are you smiling?" He grasped my shoulders and with a happy face asked.

"You wanna be my date?" The question left me stunned on the place and it took me a hot minute to process the whole question again. Realizing the meaning of it, I looked at him smiling widely.

"I want to!" I said hugging him tightly, I like to hug people as it comforts me, especially him. His hard muscled body against mine is perfect, our body sits perfectly with each other. He smiled and I asked, "But to where?"

"There is a ball party tomorrow and everyone is requested to have a date." He replied and I blushed, he chose me! He could've chosen anyone pretty girl but he only chose me.

"But what would I wear?" I asked, there must be very rich people there and I don't even have a gown. The only thing I wear is hoodies here.

"Don't worry, The maids will help you get ready and I will send you the gown by tomorrow." He said, me getting ready with people helping me? Gosh! I feel like tomorrow is my wedding. Ahhh! What am I thinking?! I flushed at my thoughts, I am crazy.

"Why you always becoming red?" Taehyung asked me and I again flickered, it's because of you, idiot! He chuckled and pushed me on the bed, hovering over me. I gasped at his sudden action, how the hell does he changes so easily?! God, the duality.

"But I wanna have some fun," He said and I just stared at him not knowing what to say, I wanna do it too. I have been missing his touch for a long time but I don't know why my mind wasn't reacting right now and my body started panicking.

Seeing this V instantly stood up and made me sit up too, I gasped for air and he worriedly looked around mumbling something, cursing in the process. He splashed some water on my face and then made me drink water, I felt a bit revealed but some tears already left my eyes.

"What happened to you?" He asked very nervously, sweats on his forehead. I shook my head and gave him a small smile.

He hugged me and kissed my neck, distracting me from the aftermath. His lips sending a tingling sensation all around my body.

He nibbled my ear and whispered, "You know how much I get nervous whenever something happens to you hmm?" His deep voice turned me on and I felt a sudden feeling on my core, "Take care of yourself." He said and pulled away and I felt disappointed leaving his touch.

I grabbed his shirt and he looked at me, I did felt ashamed saying this but his touch makes me forget the harsh world I am living in. "C-Can you do that a-again?" I shuttered and he smirked at me.

Oh god, I am embarrassed! He sat down and pulled me on his lap, his hands went to my clothes and said, "Not sex."

I know that we are fuck buddies but still I wasn't in the mood to have sex right now.

He chuckled and said, "I know. You will feel heated if you didn't take out your clothes." I blushed and nodded, he took out my hoodie, and thank god I was wearing the undergarments that Jisoo unnie gave me. I settled myself between his legs and he trapped me inside his legs.

He also took out his shirt and I unconsciously touched his abs, I could feel him smirk but I couldn't care anymore.

He hugged me and started to make some weird shapes on my back. Giving soft light butterfly kisses on my neck, the sensation on my core was rising.

His one hand was on my thighs and him being playful, started to caress my inner thighs, I arch my back a bit and I felt something touching me right on my folds, I looked down and he also stopped, his bulge was pressing onto my core and I blushingly look at him.

He smirked and pulled me closer, making his boner rub me right where I needed it. Gosh, he is too good!

I moaned softly and rolled my eyes when his warm hands rubbed me on my private part, but with the lacy barrier separating our skin. "S-Stop," I said when I knew I wouldn't be able to control if he will go like this. He chuckled and kissed me right on the lips.

"Don't worry I won't but you need to beg for it." He said grinning, it's his playful side again.

"Stop me if you can," He said and began to finger me through my panties, how could he do that? I started to moan loudly.

"V, s-stop," I said when he even started to press on it, on all my sensitive parts. The pleasure arose from my core and I again said.

"S-Stop." I sounded desperate because I was, his torture is too much.

Knowing I meant the last words, he eventually stopped. He was rather respectful considering how other people describe him.

Most of the mafia people are brutal and act like they own the girl, even though he bought me too, the purpose was entirely different.

I wanted to cuddle like in one of the movies I saw, "Let's Cuddle." I said and I think he was surprised but soon I felt him doing it, we both slept just like that. In each other's arms, I never felt this happy than ever.

Me with him is all I want.

Hey, minies! Just updated for you all :)

I hope you like the chapter and if you do please vote and comment <3

Love you all,

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