Chapter 25: Be in love with Misery

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Author's Pov

The Kim Family reached the revenue too gracefully, showing their invitation card to the security guards though they didn't need to.

All spotlights landed on them as they entered, murmuring sounds filled the room, some complementing them while others despising.

Jennie couldn't help but let her jaw drop at the beautiful hall in front of her, it was bigger than a mansion. The Chandelier in the middle was making its beauty ten times better.

Mr.Kim along with Taehyung and Jennie following him like a lost puppy, they all headed to Mr. and Mrs. Lee to congratulate them.

"Happy Anniversary my friend! Hope you have more life together!" Mr. Kim said happily while the couple returned the same smile.

Mr. Kim wasn't wearing a mask as he was already a Mafia boss so it was more easily to know about his emotions. "Meet my son, V." Kim introduced his son and Lee greedily shook his hands with him.

"Oh, who wouldn't know about him! The most famous mafia heir." Mr. Lee complimented him but Taehyung only nodded not getting why he was too polite right now.

"And who is this beauty here?" The old man asked eyeing the young girl, obviously checking her out.

Taehyung jaw hardened at his stare as he shoved her beside him but didn't forget to grasp her waist to show who she belonged to.

"She is someone special." Jennie couldn't control the amount of happiness she held in her heart right now.

She felt special because he made her. Pulling away from the couple, both of them made their way to Jin and Jisoo. They all engaged in the talk with each other and Jennie liked she was not left out, she felt so nice.

The music was swaying in the background as Jennie drank some apple juice which was practically for children but she didn't drink at all. Taehyung chuckled as he saw her scrunched her nose looking at old people with very young girls.

This reminded her of that horrible memory of her being in the bidding room, she would've been in the place of those girls if Taehyung hasn't brought her, though their starting wasn't good, now everything was going perfect.

He was caring, sweet, a little playful, and goofy. He was wholesomely perfect for her. She looked up at his face, tears evident in her eyes. Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows and dragged her away from the crowd and asked her.

"Do you feel something bad? Is it hurting somewhere?" Continues question left his mouth and she just looked at him still astonish and overwhelmed at how much he was worried for her. Looking sideways to ensure no one was there and finally confirming it.

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