Chapter 35: I miss you

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Author's Pov

Someone's eyes fluttered open but took them some time to adjust to the sudden brightness. They weren't able to stand up, looking around, they were in a white room more like in a hospital.

Grabbing the wire attached to their hand, the person was going to yank it off and just squirm away, because they were needed somewhere, in their loved one arms. "Stop!" A female voice stopped them.

Their eyes met and the girl looked away first. "What are you doing here?" The person asked the new female who just entered. "Probably taking care of you." She replied but the other didn't listen and cut her off.

"I don't need it! I need to see my love!" The person shouted but she still approached them. "Stop it you are going to hurt yourself!" The female tried her best to stop the person, who was trying their best to get away from her.


Jennie stopped, scared of the sudden outburst. Her tears welled up her eyes, and she broke into sobs making Chaeyoung nervous and feel guilty.

"Why Chae?" She asked but before the other could tell her why is she here, Jennie continued.

"I can't possibly live without him- I can't Chaeyoung." She said holding onto the younger's hand.

"He made me feel special like I was the only one for him and he said he would take care of me till he dies but he didn't, why did he die before me?" A lump stuck in her throat but she continues.

"You know if just I could sell my soul to ask him one question that did he even loved me and to answer that I love him the most, to the moon and back. I can lose myself just to make him alive, to see him up from the sky only." Her words were soft and gentleness lingered around her.

"I can't live without him, Chae. I can't." Jennie spoke and broke into tears. Chaeyoung was so emerged into comforting that she forgot why she came here. Jisoo who just happened to be outside heard everything, she smiled to herself before opening the door.

The two females looked up to the older one who had a tray of food in her hands, probably for Jennie. She smiled and approached them. Gently sitting on the chair and placing the tray of food on the nightstand, she asked Jennie.

"Do you know since how much time you were unconscious?" Jennie shook her head. "I remember I fainted yesterday." Chaeyoung and Jisoo widened their eyes hearing the answer.

"No! Jennie you were in a coma for two weeks!" This time Jennie widened her eyes, she couldn't believe she was in a coma. "But how did I ended up in a coma?" She asked nervously looking at the older female.

"Maybe because of trauma. The doctor said that your brain couldn't handle the news of Taehyung's death and...maybe that's why." Jisoo softly spoke and Jennie again remembered about the awful event and her tears unknowingly fell.

"Stop crying, we have to tell you something," Chaeyoung said and smiled warmly. "What?" Jennie asked confused. "You can see once you go there," Jisoo said and they both carefully helped Jennie stand up.

Jennie was utterly confused as the two females dragged her inside the hospital, taking her somewhere. "Can you guys tell me where are we going?" Jennie asked but both of them completely ignored her and continued to drag her.

Both of them stopped at a door where Jin and Jimin were standing. They both smiled at the confused girl. "Why are we here?" Jennie asked still trying to grasp what was going on. Their heads turned to the person who just came.

The old man smiled looking at the girl, he also came to know about her panic attack because of his son's death. She was the girl for him but he wasn't here, he wishes he would've realized their love sooner.

Lisa, Jungkook, Nayeon, and Yoongi were behind them looking at her dearly well except for Lisa. She was confused about whatever look they were giving her. Jisoo holds her hand making Jennie look towards the said girl.

She pulled her inside a room but her hands were on Jennie's eyes so she can't see. "What are you doing unnie?" She asked but Jisoo didn't reply and just helped her walk to whatever place she was making her go. They both stopped and Jennie opened her eyes.

Her heartbeat stopped, her breath was racing like crazy. Her eyes welled up in tears but those tears were of joy. She couldn't restrain herself and run. Ran to hug her love, who was standing there with a warm smile on his face.

She couldn't believe that she was hugging him, who she thought died. "But how?" She asked still sobbing with a heavy heart.

"Taehyung was able to escape before the explosion happened and made home the other day with minor injuries which are fine now but we weren't able to tell you this because you were unconscious so we waited," Jisoo explained everything.

Jennie nodded and hugged Taehyung who did the same. He didn't care about his shirt that was getting ruined because of Jennie's tears, why would he even care she was most important now.

They both pulled away and Jisoo, who wanted to give them space quietly went out. Jennie looked at him still astonished that he was still here, alive and she was in his arms right now.

Her hands slowly made their way to his well-sculptured face and gently touched it. "I miss you." She uttered and He warmly smiled at her soft side. She slowly inched towards him and soon enough their lips collided.

Their lips gently moved in rhythm making both of them feel ecstatic. The butterflies in their stomach flew like crazy, like how they do in spring. His left hand on her waist and the other gently holding her face.

They both stopped and pulled away. She blushed and smiled. She was wondering how could she be this lucky, she felt bad knowing what was she going to do. She warmly smiled and again latched their lips.

They both continued still blushing, with a pounding heart and butterflies in their stomach.

Hey, minies!

I hope I didn't disappoint you with this chapter, Taehyung never died. Why would he?😌

Do you think now this is the end? Haha nope! The whole twist hasn't come yet! Oops- Did I spoil you? Lol, my mistake.

Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter~
Vote if you did :)

Love you all,

Coldly Fragile || TAENNIE ✓Where stories live. Discover now