Chapter 37: Let me love you

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Author's Pov

Simon's eyes couldn't take the scene that was shown to him. It was the footage of Stephanie's torture. Kims would always have terrifying footage to show to their victims before their footage gets filmed.

Taehyung sat there enjoying the view but this wasn't even the main part, it was just the beginning. "W-who are you?" The guy whose body tightened around a rope said. "A Mafia," Taehyung replied with a smirk on his face.

"You know what, I don't have time for your shits let just end this here," Taehyung spoke, eager to meet Jennie who was probably in a traumatic state right now. He took a knife and slit his throat.

"Boys, show him the real hell." He said and they knew, the real hell means unbearable torture, pain, and suffering. Simon would get his karma, not by life but by Satan himself.

Jennie was sitting in their room, gripping onto her sheets. The memories spreading through her mind like fire in a forest. The way Simon used to assault her and forced her to fulfill his needs.

She hated them all, she never experiences the way you would feel when you make love with the person you love and they love you back. She doesn't know how does that feels like.

Her thoughts were cut off by the door opening revealing Jisoo. The older came to know about what happened with her in the mall, she felt sympathy for the poor girl.

She was so sweet and considerate but all the problems always happen to her, for her Jennie was the unluckiest person she had ever seen. Despite being so beautiful, she doesn't get love.

Despite being so kind, patient, and generous, she never experienced love. She just wanted to pray for her to god. To give her all the happiness she deserves.

She smiled at the younger one and sat beside her but before she could say anything, Jennie engulfed her with a hug. She weakly smiled as she heard uncontrollable sobs from the poor girl.

She patted her back and comforted the weeping girl. Taehyung who was outside the door felt bad listening to Jennie's sobs. His heart broke into pieces. He finally decided that he needs to do it today no matter what.

Soon enough when Jisoo was leaving the room, Jennie spoke. "Thank you, Unnie." Jisoo smiled and nodded, going outside only to find Taehyung waiting impatiently. She winked at his brother leaving him blushing.

He had food in his hands for Jennie. Entering the room, he found Jennie sitting there much better than before maybe because of Jisoo's comforting.

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