Chapter 24: Ball Party

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Author's Pov

From the time Jennie woke up, her heart has been throbbing in her chest like no day. She is beyond delighted and excited to go to the ball party today moreover to make it more amazing, with Taehyung.

One of her friends, Irene who worked as a maid here was amused at the sight of Jennie screaming into the pillow when she entered the room to give her lunch. Her chuckle made the girl come out of her world and she ashamedly bit her lips of her actions.

"What happened? Why are you screaming like a horse?" Irene ask to which only a pout was visible to her as the response.

"I am nervous!" Jennie whined which only made the older coo at the younger.

"Don't worry about it, we would dress up you like a princess! Oh my, it feels like I am at my younger sister's wedding!" These words made the situation worse for Jennie as she blushed at her last night's thoughts.

"Yah Unnie! You are not helping!" Jennie cutely said which made the beauty stop laughing, before their conversation would have gone any further, Jisoo and Nayeon came inside.

Bowing in respect to the girls, Irene stood back to give them some way and began to go when Jisoo spoke, "Where are you going unnie?" Irene only subtly nodded knowing she was needed here.

"So..." Nayeon words erupted the silence of the room when a chuckle left the older girl's mouth as they saw the uneasy expression on Jennie's face. Jennie sighed at their prank of scaring her.

"Anyways, we got your dress!" Jisoo enthusiastically spoke after clapping her hands twice and few maids entered the room with a lot of makeup stuff and few dresses which left Jennie's jaw drop.

"We all need to start getting dress or else we would be late!" Nayeon spoke shaking Jennie out of her dreaming land.

"From now?!" Jennie asked and they all nodded, "But we still have four hours to the party." They all laughed at her reaction.

"No, it will take a lot of time to get ready for a ball night so it's better if we start to finish as soon as possible because we can't be late," Jisoo explained to the lass and she understood it.

"Here's your dress that young master specially bought for you," Irene said purposely teasing the younger making her blush. Her eyes glimmered at the beautiful gown that Taehyung specifically bought for her.

"It's beautiful," Her voice came like a whisper as she says it, she never felt this special to someone for them to take time for her to chose a dress despite his work. She felt stung in her eyes and a happy tear left her right eye.

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