Chapter 6: What happened?

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Jennie's Pov

I woke up with intense pain, my head was like it was gonna explode. It was aching so much, I couldn't even breathe...Am I finally dying?

A flash of light spread across my face, it was so severe. I closed my eyes and finally, I started to feel my body, all I could now tell was, my hands were tied along with my legs too. It was very tight.

I opened my eyes after a few minutes as I heard sobbing sounds. Looking for the voice, I saw few other girls around my age or maybe some of them younger than me were also tied like me.

I was so shocked I couldn't even move, I was just staring at them and it was the agony that filled the room. Suddenly, the door busted open and a middle-aged man and a woman came inside.

The man smirked while the lady wasn't very pleased. "Oh look what we got many beautiful girls." He said and believe me, I never was this unpleased listening to someone voice.

"LET US GO!" A girl shouted, I saw her as the woman came towards her, she was confident and powerful.

But that wasn't the reaction of some other girls, who had marks around their bodies. My guts said this isn't going to end well.

The old man smirked again and asked his manager something. The man brought something like a black object that I wasn't aware of. I squinted my eyes as he started to head towards the girl.

He took that object and hit her with it. It was horrible. The moment I just witnessed was beyond ungrateful for me. I was scared, nervous, and anxious. Some memories flashed my mind like lighting and I wanted to scream so hard.

I breathed heavily looking at him hitting the girl, it was violence. Something I hated all my life. He stopped as the girl begged him "You all better listen to me or else this would be worse!" He screamed and my eardrums maybe even shattered.

"Sir, the mafia member has come." A man suddenly entered and said. Mafia? Member? What would they do to us?!  We all girls were forced to stand-up but for some reason, I didn't want to, I know what mafia member does.

They are gonna use us, and I would rather fight than just go. "Stand up young lady." The old man said and I glared at him, which was a big mistake. He came towards me and said, "Looks like you are a tough girl."

I cried and screamed as he hit my back with that black object, it hurts like hell. My only layer of clothing wouldn't save me either, I had enough, I also begged him to stop now, I couldn't stand the pain. He said "You could've listened at first only, young lady!" Oh how much I wished.

My back was feeling broken. I wasn't able to walk as the pain always struck me with each step I take. The middle-aged woman supported me and I was escorted to a room filled with many men, no many old men.

I could feel them boring holes onto me and as I look up, their lust and their desire to fuck the girls were showing. I would hate myself and feel disgusted with my body if I let any of these men touch me.

As I heard the host say about something numbers and money, it took me a hot minute to understand the situation. I was getting sold! This wasn't the way I wanted to die. This would be more than torture!

My eyes wandered as I looked at other girls, they were sobbing while keeping their heads low. Each time when someone's number came, the men will say their money and the highest amount would be set as final.

My number was 6. The bidding started with a small amount and it didn't take time to grow. The last amount was $3 million, and the old man won. I couldn't believe they were so desperate to fuck someone of their daughter's age. They all are disgusting.

Tears welled from my eyes as the host made the countdown. The old man was smirking and licking his lips while looking at my thighs and breasts. I wanted to cover myself from his eyes.

"$10 million!" Someone's deep voice ringed the whole room and everyone gasped. I looked at the man who said it, he was young. He did had something different in his eyes and he was handsome even with his mask on.

I looked at his mask who was hiding his full face. Why would he buy me for such an amount of money? Is he that desperate? Or maybe he would save me??

I was quickly escorted to the makeup room and on the way, the middle-aged woman said something that made me shiver from horror.

"You are brought by V, I bet he is any other mafia, he will probably have sex with you but then kill you the next morning. So, don't feel lucky that you weren't gone with an old man."

He is the mafia boss himself, or the most dangerous Mafia heir. Why him and why me only? If he never uses this much amount on a girl then why on me? I was terrified and a stupid idea came to my mind. Let's run.

As the girls freed my hands, I used all of my strength to run away and I was beyond happy when I opened the door but it didn't last long as I saw that guy outside, with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

He catches me up and I felt a tingling sensation on my whole body, I looked at his eyes and I don't know what happened to me but I got lost in it. Even though my heart and eyes were lost in him, my body was reacting. My body always reacted.

"Were you running away from me?"

His voice was deep and hot but I was shaking in fear and continuously sobbing, seeing this I don't know what came in his mind but he picked me up in bridal style, I froze at his cold touch on the painful area on my back. It hurts so much but I was numb to react.

He paid the price of me to the Boss. I was disgusted at myself, I hated myself for not fighting more. Why can't I stand violence?! Would giving me to a stranger is worth my life and ignoring violence?

Should I just die? Suicide? I was a girl who thought that ending my life would be the easiest way but tomorrow I am going to die anyway. No, I don't want to die by a monster. I decided to just jump out of the car while they were being driven.

He put me in his expensive car and I froze when his hands made contact with my thighs, my tears landed on his hand and he looked up at me. He didn't say anything, is he even human? No of course not.

He entered his car from the different door and commanded his driver to go. I was preparing myself for jumping while he wasn't even looking at me, just staring into his phone. When I saw we were on the main road, I thought this would be the best time.

I quickly tried to open the door but to my utter horror, it was locked. The driver looked at me from the rear mirror and I could see he was laughing. A monster too. He quickly put on a glass door between him and us and I was confused.

I looked at V, who was staring at me back. I shivered just from his stare and looked away, I could feel him smirking. This is not gonna end well...My life isn't going to end well.


Hey guys! So, now you know how Jennie came here.

I have a question should I make a sMuT scene in the next chapter or not? Comment your opinion ;)

I would probably won't write it on my own but I have my best friend who is a pro in this. Lmao, I am still innocent.

Anyways, hope you like it!


Coldly Fragile || TAENNIE ✓Where stories live. Discover now