Chapter 5: The eye contact

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Taehyung got a new mission. According to his spies, there is a bidding going on inside the underworld. Of the girls.

And his work was to go and check if it was legit or not. He thinks it's stupid of the mafias to buy girls, what would they do with them after they are done fucking them?

Kill them or marry? He doesn't really care. He decided to call his driver to bring out his black Bugatti.

He didn't need a big car, it just needs to be expensive. He wore a mask with his family logo of a golden lion, like the kings they are.

(Please imagine this on a black mask :)

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(Please imagine this on a black mask :)

He wasn't allowed to show his face until he officially became the boss and no one knows his name other than V.

But the logo on his mask makes it very clear for anyone to not mess with him. The bloods of Kim's were the most dangerous.

He went to the underground infamous bar where the innocent girls were kidnapped or brought by trafficking, as he was informed. The monsters who kidnapped them sold them to the Mafia member and they buy them as their fuck toy.

The girls who aren't able to get the attention also don't have a stroke of good luck either, as they are forced to work under the club and worse become strippers.

Taehyung entered the bar and just by seeing his mask, the whole bar went quiet and the spotlight landed on him.

It was the first time someone from the Kim Gang came to this infamous bar. 

The boss of the bar quickly personally came to him and asked while rubbing both of his hands together. "It's an honor to have you here sir." He spoke, Taehyung just nodded.

"What do you want sir?" Taehyung need to act like customer here so he could get into the bar.

"I heard you have a lot of beautiful ladies." He spoke, making the the other gasp a bit.

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