Chapter 29: The Lie Hater

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Author's Pov

The male's hand knocked slowly on the wooden door of the apartment, his hands were a bit sweaty as he was holding the white roses bouquet for so long. Someone's footsteps were behind the door and he gulped.

The blond-head girl opened the door and was shocked to see the guy, she happily hugged him while he returned the same favor. "Oh my god, Chim! These are so beautiful." She exclaimed excitingly looking at the beautiful flowers.

He smiled and they both headed inside. Jimin sat on the couch while Chaeyoung went into her cozy kitchen to make some coffee for both of them. Here, Jimin was mentally preparing himself for the words he has to say.

The beautiful girl sat on the couch with their matching coffee cups in her hands. Jimin gladly took the cup and drink it, he missed her special coffee, she made it for him almost every time he visits as she knew whenever he comes, he is mostly tired.

Completing the coffee, Jimin held Chaeyoung's soft hands which surprised her a bit but she happily intertwined them. "Chaeyoung, I wanna talk to you about something," the girl knew that the 'something' was serious.

The look in his eyes says it all and the fact he called her by her name was also a sign. She nodded signaling him to say, he cleared his throat and sighed, grabbing the confidence to say it all out.

"I lied to you about something," Lying. She hated it. She hates when people lie, why do they need to? She nodded suppressing her anger.

"About my job," Jimin said and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"You see, I am not a government agent b-but a mafia member," Chaeyoung froze, completely. Her mind not believing what he said. He was a mafia member? She thought.

Jimin was terrified, her silence killing him by each second that passed. Her hands slowly pulled away from his, the guy's heart fell into a sink of hot water. His heart of burning, afraid, that she might leave him or worse call the police.

She laughed, Jimin was confused about it. Was it a joke for her or she was going mad? "Nice prank, Chim." She said as she continues to laugh. Her soothing chuckle stopped when she noticed he wasn't laughing.

"Are you not pranking me?" She asked and he fearfully shook his head. Her eyes darkened or at least that's what Jimin saw.

"Why did you lie to me, Park Jimin?" Her voice cold, he gulped his fear and said.

"I lied because I didn't want to lose you, Chaeyoung. I l-love you a lot, please d-don't leave me! I am s-sorry I did that-" He started sobbing, she was his weakness and she knew it.

Coldly Fragile || TAENNIE ✓Where stories live. Discover now